Example sentences of "could be [adv] [art] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Those insights could not just be abandoned but no one could understand how something could be both a wave and a particle .
2 This payment could be either a deposit or mere part payment .
3 This discrepancy arises from the ever present difficulty of deciding whether a particular cell could be either a lymphocyte or part of a macrophage , neutrophil , or fibroblast .
4 Bad temper could be either a cause or effect of being admitted to a residential home .
5 But also , from its early stages , the academy could be either a general or , increasingly , a specialized learned society ; there are many such examples , from the thirteenth century onwards , in speculative philosophy , literature and language , and the sciences .
6 She could be merely an appendage or she could ‘ do her own thing ’ .
7 It could be only an inch or so in .
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