Example sentences of "could be [verb] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As it is often undertaken by senior pastoral staff , it could be argued that calculating the percentages every week is not the most effective use of their time .
2 It could be argued that predicting no change is a more reliable strategy than predicting change and just guessing at what it might be .
3 This could be argued as promoting the crossing between different parent trees in successive seasons .
4 In fact , the Lords agreed to consider whether reference to Hansard could be made and held a second hearing on that point .
5 Reading this group of sonnets is to be reminded of the noble conclusion to the first book of Bacon 's Advancement of Learning : In describing his Friend as my love or He the Poet could be seen as using the third-person form in order to place him apart , perhaps to place him outside the sphere of time 's influence .
6 Applications to the panel by auditors might be equally rare , since these could be seen as acknowledging a failure to establish an effective ( and durable ) professional relationship .
7 Similarly , one could not satisfactorily analyse modalism in rock music without also dealing with the decline of modal folk song , in its traditional social contexts ; the urban folk revival ; the use of modal techniques by elite composers , and the ‘ discovery ’ of modal medieval and renaissance music ; the commodification of major-minor tonality by Tin Pan Alley and Hollywood , against which modalism could be seen as ‘ exotic ’ or ‘ primitive ’ ; the internationalization of capital bringing , through American cultural imperialism , the influence of modal Afro-American musics which , at the same time , could be seen as offering a potential for critique vis-à-vis the dominant , major-minor musical language ; and so on .
8 The graphic EQ offers another range of tone control over the Carvin and , being switchable , could be seen as adding an extra channel .
9 Himself a minister from 1964 and an advocate of devaluation , Jenkins contends that " if they [ Wilson and Callaghan ] could get American support for what they wanted to do anyway this could be regarded as serving a British interest and , from the point of view of the 1966 election , even a Labour Party interest " .
10 Yet on the basis of the facts available to him Andrewes could be regarded as taking a compassionate line in agreeing to the dissolution of a marriage which was intolerable to both husband and wife and had not been consummated .
11 The pope came nearest to a characteristic post-conciliar viewpoint over social justice ; here indeed his major encyclicals could be regarded as constituting a high-water mark in ‘ progressive ’ concern , even adopting elements of a Marxist analysis beyond any of his predecessors ; he was also , very moderately , ecumenical , though he showed little interest in the theological implications of an ecumenical agenda .
12 It follows , therefore , that if the prevention of odour emissions from premises could be regarded as improving the physical environment the local planning authorities have a responsibility to take environmental considerations , including odour prevention , into account in formulating their policies .
13 Whether it could be regarded as remedying a contravention of section 47 I regard as doubtful .
14 An SBU was taken to be any subsidiary business interest of the group which could be said to be largely separable and could be treated as having a commercial life of its own .
15 The patterns hinted at in the data on the post-assessment engagements with clients could be construed as revealing a greater sense of purposefulness in the work undertaken .
16 Of course , the subject could be deceived and get a nasty shock .
17 Similarly the sharp collapse of factory production in 1980 was a real crisis which could be interpreted as laying the foundations for new industries in Britain and a new set of international trading and investment relations for the UK in the 1980s .
18 Though the Report could be interpreted as advocating an exchange rate union , it is now accepted that it recommends a currency union .
19 These figures provide political ammunition to chief police officers arguing for more resources , although this is clearly a double-edged sword since the figures could be interpreted as showing the police being unable to do much about crime levels .
20 The metaphor of the fish was clearly an unfortunate one : as Omari suggests , ‘ the big fish swallows the small ’ could be interpreted as describing the relationship of the colonial power to the colonized .
21 Their imprimatur also gave the elements which could be interpreted as letting the auditors off the hook , such as the question of lessening liability exposure , more credibility than would otherwise have happened had they been drafted by auditors .
22 Expressions such as " to insure adequately " and " to insure to the full value of the property " should be amended as the former covenant could be complied with if the cover equates to that recommended by the insurance company , and the latter could be interpreted as meaning the full market value of the property and , as such , could be less than the cost of reinstatement .
23 Looking back at that period , the crucial difference in Conservative politicians was between those who thought that the last twenty or thirty years had not been too bad , and who were sceptical that anything better could be achieved , and those who hoped that something better could be won and saw the last quarter of a century as a slow but steady decline .
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