Example sentences of "its [noun sg] be [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Improvements in the difficult techniques involved in its excision are one of the laboratory 's most notable triumphs .
2 Its function is similar to the one found on table-top video machines , that is it enables the recorded picture to be replayed over the viewfinder both forwards and in reverse at a fast speed so that particular points on the tape can be located quickly .
3 Its worship and its priests and its teaching are strange to the society in which it lives .
4 On the trip there , the Bentley showed us why its cabin is one of the most pleasant and relaxing automotive environments in existence .
5 We can measure population fairly precisely ; we can tell whether its rise was due to the birth of more children or to men and women living longer , that is , to a rise in the birth-rate or a fall in the death-rate .
6 That distinction , shockingly banal though it is , has been hard to shake from my mind , and its persistence is one of the things I want to explore in this article .
7 His point of view conflicted with the spirit of the age and , despite his example , the glorious art of true fresco died out , its practice being incompatible with the new social attitude to time .
8 Its styling was redolent of the golden age of motorcycling , from the long-legged , leather-and-chrome look of the bike to the distinctive swirling ‘ N ’ of the Norton logo ( still to be seen on the belt buckle of many a fashionable waist ) .
9 The fabric will be on grain if its width is square with the end of the table .
10 However when we attempt to unpack what is involved in measurement and to see how its discontinuity is consistent with the Schrödinger equation , then the puzzles and disputes to which quantum mechanics is heir become apparent .
11 The unsavoury reputation which the last of the sultans acquired during the late nineteenth century — especially Abdülaziz ( 1861–76 ) and Abdülhamid II ( 1876–1909 ) — has coloured the view which many western historians have taken of the Ottoman empire as a whole , but to many Christian subjects the Ottoman empire in its heyday was far from the horrific picture conjured up by the use of the phrase ‘ the long Turkish night ’ .
12 Although very little of the red underpainting is discernible to the naked eye in the finished portrait , its effect is perceptible in the freshness of the skin tones and the convincing wholesomeness of the flesh .
13 Its inclusion is typical of the exhibits , most of which are either dinky or bloody ridiculous .
14 Thus , AEA is now beginning to contemplate a future in which it becomes an independent business , and its management is excited by the prospect .
15 the acceptable proposition that some shared morality is essential to the existence of any society , to the unacceptable proposition that a society is identical with its morality , as that is at any given moment of its history , so that a change in its morality is tantamount to the destruction of a society .
16 The approach to quantum theory which is most positivist in its outlook is that of the Copenhagen school , with its emphasis on the role of classical measuring instruments .
17 Doubtless the slow ‘ stately ’ motion of Jupiter in its orbit and its brightness were some of the reasons for which the Romans gave to this planet the name Jupiter , the Roman king of the gods .
18 In a letter to Herbert Read , dated " 16 February " ( probably written in 1925 ) he described a racial prejudice from which he was not immune — although he did not specify that prejudice , its nature is clear from the context , in which he offered Disraeli as an example of what he meant .
19 Both sides had agreed in principle in May 1990 to the creation of a UN mission [ see p. 37449 ] but had specified at that time that its establishment was conditional on the agreement of a ceasefire .
20 It is undeniable that artillery was making progress , and that its development was one of the major changes associated with the conduct of war at this time .
21 The pilot said he had advised Demeke to pick Hanover airport because its runway was far from the control tower .
22 How do we know that sexual reproduction is responsible for the relative uniformity of species , and that its absence is responsible for the discontinuities between them ?
23 Although Hochland is not an especially large or important province its count is one of the most valiant leaders in the Empire .
24 The Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence were acutely aware that the Republic of South Africa is the sole stable country in Africa ; that its government is opposed to the increasing presence of the USSR and China in Africa and that it controls the sea route to the Indian Ocean where the USSR has mounted a powerful naval challenge .
25 Lord William 's School at Thame has playing fields just off the A418 — the preferred corridor for the new route — its headmaster is concerned for the future of his two thousand pupils :
26 The simple fact is that making the prehistoric — that is , the repressed — part of the mind conscious is a vital aspect of the further development of the ego because conscious insight into itself and its motivation is essential to the ego 's rationality and competence in administering and mastering the instinctual drives of the id .
27 This whole discussion of the meaning of ‘ here ’ might be summed up by saying that in so far as ‘ Here ’ , in reply to ‘ Where are you ? ‘ , has a meaning , as distinct from a use , its meaningfulness is parasitic on the meaningfulness of ‘ Here ’ in reply to ‘ Where is it ? ’ , the meaningfulness of this being conditional on the possibility of distinguishing places .
28 I said that in so far as ‘ Here ’ , in reply to ‘ Where are you ? ’ has a meaning , as distinct from a use , its meaningfulness is parasitic on the meaningfulness of ‘ Here ’ in reply to ‘ Where is it ? ’ , the meaningfulness of this being conditional on the possibility of distinguishing places .
29 A parallel remark about ‘ It 's me ’ would be that in so far as ‘ It 's me ’ , said by the victim of amnesia in hope of recognition , has a meaning , as distinct from a use , its meaningfulness is parasitic on the meaningfulness of ‘ It 's me ’ in reply to ‘ Who is the youngest professor ? ’ , the meaningfulness of this being conditional on the possibility of distinguishing people .
30 With only one million inhabitants and , apart from the Cathedral , an inauspicious infrastructure composed of 1950s Le Corbusier knock-offs relieved by the occasional Jugendstil survivor and twelve Romanesque churches , its charisma is all on the inside .
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