Example sentences of "some [adj] [noun] [verb] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 There is some historic evidence to suggest that it included about 800 titles , among which some so important that they have tantalised historians ever since : works by Cicero , Tacitus , the Greek historian Polybius , the playwright Aristophanes etc. , quite possibly in complete versions .
2 In fact some British researchers believe that it 's our oestrogen which governs our sexuality .
3 A detailed look at the books and some simple arithmetic proved that it would be cheaper to launch a new , specialist title than to revive an old one !
4 Some Irish nationalists hold that it is just to unite the nation by force — a typical view of secular nationalism throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Europe .
5 Some other passengers claimed that it had actually ‘ only ’ taken 36 hours , but I do n't believe them .
6 However , the damage to the capital 's generating equipment had been so severe that some Western estimates claimed that it would take a year to restore full supplies to the country .
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