Example sentences of "some [prep] they [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While I was sitting waiting for Jenny , a number of well-dressed women of about my age filed past me , some of them evidently wearied by their afternoon of serious picture-watching .
2 However , the contract will doubtless contain other terms , some of them expressly agreed between the parties ( e.g. the date of delivery ) and some of them implied ( often by other sections of the Sale of Goods Act — e.g. as to the place of delivery , section 29(2) ) .
3 The flowers were mainly chosen to accentuate the overall silvery effect , but some of them also came from the ‘ bride 's ’ garden , as I felt this would give the picture additional meaning for her .
4 In 1982 electricity utilities cancelled 18 nuclear power stations , some of them well advanced in construction .
5 They seemed unaffected however , and threw their heads back , howling with unnatural laughter as they twisted their bodies in ever more contorted movements , some of them even brushing into one or other of the fires and continuing their dance as if they had n't noticed .
6 In her interesting and vivid description of the first wave Marjorie Cosens quoted numerous testimonies by teachers to this effect , and some of them even wrote to the Board of Education .
7 Some of them even came from within the nuclear fold , concerned that the truth should be told from the inside out .
8 Some of them even have to be parents when they get home where they see at first hand the pressures to supply children with fashionable merchandise .
9 As a result , some of them even behaved like schoolchildren ; it was not uncommon , apparently , for students at A to throw paper aeroplanes in lectures — a rather immature ( but possibly understandable ) response to the frustration of endless listening and note-taking .
10 As we went to press , DEC was getting ready to set up nine new business units as part of its reorganization struggle , some of them reportedly headed by leaders brought in from the outside and others have yet to be chosen .
11 On Sept. 6 President Fernando Collor de Mello ordered Justice Minister Bernardo Cabral to investigate charges by the human rights organization Amnesty International that death squads , some of them secretly operated by the police , were murdering street children .
12 Some of those scholars , moreover , were Englishmen and some of them certainly served as proctors and representatives of the Plantagenets at Paris .
13 Some of them indeed seemed to be at the service , looking somehow different from the ‘ office workers ’ for whom the services had been arranged .
14 In exchange , many goods came into the country — some of them never seen in Britain before .
15 You see some of them only live in a small cottage with no garden and that 's an extension to their home , you can go down there with the children
16 The following fifty years , which were also the years in which Athens and the Greeks decisively rebuffed the attempts of the Persians under Darius and Xerxes to destroy their independent states , saw further moves towards the dominance of popular power in Athens , some of them directly prompted by the necessities of war .
17 DEC , on the other hand , which has been having COSE talks at both the strategic and technical levels , feels there might still be a few loose ends to tie up , some of them perhaps circulating around the ‘ Process Paper ’ that is expected to be made public soon .
18 DEC , on the other hand , which has been having COSE talks at both the strategic and technical levels , feels there might still be a few loose ends to tie up , some of them perhaps circulating around the ‘ Process Paper ’ expected to be made public soon .
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