Example sentences of "some [prep] it [is] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To flush some out it is occasionally necessary to put a copy of the authority in a sealed envelope and insist it be conveyed at once to the chief executive .
2 the music is just an unusual , and some of it is downright odd .
3 Evidence of its long lively history is abundant in the village and although some of it is impressively obvious , much of it is tucked away in farmyards and back gardens .
4 Some of it is now Gothic and later , but the Lombard/German plan is still distinguishable , as are the nave supports of alternating columns and piers .
5 some of it is very clever some of it , the effects and when you think back to nineteen forty one whichever
6 Some of it is very light and some of it is heavy .
7 The literature relating to this branch of anthropology is immense ; some of it is very sophisticated in form , even mathematical .
8 ‘ I do n't really like the work I do ’ , she confesses , ‘ because some of it is very hard and very dirty .
9 Some of it is quite complex .
10 Well , we 're getting them to go for a hundred , which sounds a lot , but the ground 's quite variable so , you know , some of it is really good planting land and some of it is n't , so , you know , it 'll be up to the teams to go for as many as they can .
11 Some of it 's incredibly complicated .
12 Some of it 's pretty self-explanatory .
13 It 's all rather dated , and some of it 's very good and some of it 's so so , and some of it 's plain ordinary .
14 Yes , some of it 's very recognisable .
15 Some of it 's quite funny , Keifer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips are good but the film as a whole seems to wander round making a rather large amount of noise and not doing anything all that interesting .
16 Some of it 's quite funny , Keifer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips are good but the film as a whole seems to wander round making a rather large amount of noise and not doing anything all that interesting .
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