Example sentences of "them to [det] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays you are careful to address Interpreter Ni , Professor Chen and Party Secretary Yang by their handle as well as their name — and can cause serious insult by forgetting to do so or by introducing them to each other in the wrong order .
2 Trains had been laid on to despatch them to all parts of the country , so that for the rest of their lives they would be able to recall a few moments of honour , even glory .
3 Head office could ensure goal congruence by working out a masterplan and then issuing detailed instructions to each division : make this many units , transfer them to that division in the following numbers at the following prices .
4 You will have to be ruthless if you find that they do n't press successfully , and either move them to another site in the garden , or give them to someone else .
5 He was at times ordered to aid and supervise the royal huntsmen by leading them to those parts of the forest where the game was most plentiful , o supplying them with trained hounds , and seeing that they did not drive the deer out of the forest or continue their hunting longer than their instructions warranted .
6 Er , just a couple of announcements colleagues , if er , those delegates who actually smoke , if you 've got any Embassy cigarette coupons , could you pass them to any members of the Northern Region .
7 So do n't throw them away colleagues , hand them to any delegate from the Northern Region .
8 Cut lengths of ribbon , and stitch them to either side of the fabric at the top .
9 The doctor had opened the door suddenly , was walking in with two nurses , directing them to either side of the bed as the heart machine flashed and beeped alarmingly .
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