Example sentences of "its [adj] [noun pl] [subord] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The supreme joy of Keld is the river , hurrying in a mad rush from its desolate beginnings as it thrashes through a channel it has carved in the limestone in a series of cascades and waterfalls .
2 It sculptures caves in its banks as it falls into a deep ravine , and becomes sedate only in its later stages as it leaves its dale to lose its identity in the River Lune .
3 Because a lifetime of debauchery somehow loses its romantic kudos once it winds down to a respectable job and keep-fit classes ; it stops being a biopic and starts sounding like a how-I-conquered-my-bad-habits-and-became-a-normal-person telefilm .
4 The judges must have forgotten their watches.Truth is , the battle is so absorbing it always extends until an obvious champion is emerges ; the last lonely Rokkaku deserves its 6 points as it descends unscathed .
5 Psychologists believe a new-born infant learns to combine what it picks up through its various senses as it lies wriggling in its pram .
6 British Telecom says it plans to develop links between the two companies ' local network management systems — Hewlett-Packard 's OpenView and Sun 's SunNet Manager , and its own Concert system — and chose those two companies as its first partners because it believes that between them they control about 60% of the local network management market .
7 British Telecom says it plans to develop links between the two companies ' local network management systems — Hewlett-Packard 's OpenView and Sun 's SunNet Manager , and its own Concert system — and chose those two companies as its first partners because it believes that between them they control about 60% of the local network management market .
8 The mind shifts from one alternative to the other , becoming more entangled in the net of its own thoughts as it does so .
9 Such an analysis suggests that house design is the fundamental determinant of social life ; while this , in itself , is a very difficult position to maintain , the argument is also fundamentally flawed on its own grounds since it fails to take account of who in the household actually does the work generated by the ‘ hobbies ’ .
10 More than most , BMW is very careful not to tread on its own toes when it comes to cabin size .
11 It criticises and deconstructs its own formulations as it struggles against the dominant system of meaning . ’
12 It 's surprisingly wild in its upper reaches where it leads to Threshthwaite Mouth — one of the most distinctive though seldom used passes in the Lake District .
13 And the ability of many insects to see the infrared and microwave emanations of particular molecules or of particular plants , for instance , is intriguing in its wider implications as it relates to the overall balance and economy of nature .
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