Example sentences of "its [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Raindown ’ again impresses because of the newly-found POD focus , its guitars taking time to breathe and plan their next assault , while Craig 's voice breaks away from its usual comparisons and finds its own piece of sky to lark about in .
2 Moreover , the committee , to be commended for having conducted its extensive researches and drawn its conclusions within a few months , has the advantage of immediacy over the Clark and Palmer committees , which sat over so long a period , in a rapidly changing environment , that eventually no one who was still able to recall the original brief was sure whether it was still relevant to the prevailing situation .
3 And the fact that the film is not frightened of its sexual aspects but treats them with some taste is another point in its favour .
4 Then , when it is ridden in the show ring , or it sees something possibly threatening , its anxiety peaks — it promptly stands on its hind legs or pulls its tongue back over the bit .
5 It collects these flakes with the brush near the end of its hind legs and passes them forward to its mouth where it kneads them with saliva .
6 We and i it 's , when we had sprouts it used to get its hind legs and pull them down and start ploughing at them .
7 It is quite commonplace for me to thrust my hand past my ferrets , grab a rabbit by its hind legs and pull it past the ferret .
8 Its distinguishing characteristics are first the view that a class is partly constituted by the perceptions of its members , and second the belief , held either tacitly or openly , that the passage of history is marked by the growth of class consciousness , until a point in the future when an enlightened proletariat will be able to grasp its real interests and make its own history .
9 Come and tickle its tiny toes and admire its baby-blue eyes !
10 The courts will , however , have some regard for such conventions presuming that Parliament intended to comply with its moral obligations and bring our law into line with the convention .
11 ‘ Why should they ? ’ says Brian Everthorpe , tipping his chair back on its rear legs and hooking his thumbs in his waistcoat pockets .
12 In 1928 William Robson published Justice and Administrative Law , a landmark text which he later described as an attempt ‘ to dispel the illusion held by all the leading lawyers , politicians , civil servants and academics who had been brought up on Dicey 's Law of the Constitution that in Britain there was no administrative law ’ In this book Robson argued that ‘ no modern student of law or political science has today the slightest doubt that there exists in England a vast body of administrative law ’ and that ‘ the problem is not to discover it but rather to master its widespread ramifications and reduce it to some kind of order and coherence ’ .
13 Before commencing the acquisition process the potential purchaser should set its corporate objectives and assess its ability to achieve these objectives from the existing business .
14 The brothers Bogadjimbri grew like giant trees until they reached the sky ; there , one day , their youthful laughter annoyed the wild cat , Ngariman , who slashed at the pair with its powerful claws and killed them .
15 If a school can tailor its in-house courses and make them relevant to the needs of the whole school staff , then the dynamics of that collective and shared experience may provide greater rewards .
16 But no man can hope to attain scientific mastery of its many parts and re-assemble them into the wonderful symbiosis of nature .
17 Paraguay , a centre for the illegal trade in live animals , birds and skins during the military regime of General Alfredo Stroessner , is taking steps to improve its image by tightening up its environmental laws and strengthening their enforcement .
18 In the period after 1986 , many of those guesses were in the form of leveraged buy-outs , the use of debt finance to buy a firm from its existing shareholders and to make it a private company .
19 The president is ostensibly the driver of this large complex machine , but at the beginning of each new administration the question is : Will the man temporarily in charge of this unwieldy , temperamental vehicle be able to master its tricky controls and get it to move at all ?
20 The International Atomic Energy Agency welcomed Mr de Klerk 's offer to allow inspection of its nuclear facilities and said it would send inspectors to verify the end of the nuclear weapon programme .
21 It had survived the squeezing and pushing and pulling , the drugs and the pain , protected by its ignorance , it had survived to blink its grey eyes and wave its underwater hands , and turn its small blind mouth instinctively to her nipple , seeking food with the determined accuracy of an animal that intended to live .
22 The United States , faced with an allocation problem , began a review of its defensive commitments that led it to the conclusion that in the event of a military confrontation with the Soviet Union in Europe , the resources it could commit to the fledgling NATO alliance would be insufficient .
23 Being one of those select few companies that have been able to secure access to initial deliveries of Texas Instruments Inc 's SuperSparc RISC processor ( UX No 384 ) , it is understood that ICL last week totted up numbers required by its various departments and placed its order with TI for the part , which will feature in the DRS6000 workstation range from the fourth quarter .
24 But the long-term effects upon the brain are to dull its critical faculties and to impair its capacity for memory and accuracy in all its functions .
25 First it stamps vigorously with its front feet and erects its bristling tail .
26 Neither he nor Loren liked the house , much ; it had been built not too long after the war , and with its small windows and pebbledash it had none of the atmosphere of the ‘ place in the country ’ that they 'd been hoping for-if anything , it looked more like the married quarters for lower RAF ranks to be found around old and run-down airfields .
27 She wanted to see it before it was touched ; wanted to meet its open eyes and fix its dead expression ; know it , for memory 's sake .
28 Parliament was an assembly over which the clergy had no theoretical control , however much weight they might wield within it in practice ; convocation was a provincial — not a national assembly , and , though often summoned on the king 's nod , it met by , and laid down , its own procedures and determined its own composition .
29 He walked free after embarrassing the RSPCA by producing a book written by one of its own experts that said it was safe to leave fish home alone for up to two weeks .
30 You get your own ego to face up to its own problems and to make its own decisions , er as I mentioned before a very painful process and a , and a , and a rather gruelling one .
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