Example sentences of "its [adj] [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Julie fell dead beneath a tree , its lower branches hacked off in the frenzied attack .
2 A farming community , existing as a hamlet in ancient times , it probably developed its agricultural resources to fit in with Kilham , which was at one time the chief market town in this part of the East Riding .
3 THE Government was last night presented with a challenge to act speedily on its declared intention to crack down on knife carrying in Scotland .
4 Somewhere below another flare exploded , its fresh glare lighting up in stark relief the yawning edge of the aircraft .
5 At 3 a shot , its 800 feet work out at 1p for every 2.6ft — compared with 0.9ft for Blackpool Tower and 1.7ft for Paris 's Eiffel Tower .
6 But its members are thought to be waiting to see what its British equivalent comes up with .
7 He sprawled sideways and took in the twitching , frightened balloon with its cross-hatched plumpness rounded out by the golden sun on one side , curving into purple dusk on the other , and the heavy , ugly , functional basket .
8 The Town Hall Tower with its mechanical clock dating back to 1410 , the old city 's tower Bridge , the famous Charles Bridge adorned with its many statues of Saints and of course Wenceslas Square and the magnificent buildings facing it , are just a few of the many sights Prague has to offer .
9 When the late Conservative administration did its sums at the end of 1963 it found that its future programme worked out at an annual rate of increase of 4.1 per cent .
10 Watched by an enthusiastic crowd of train-buffs and possibly even some Scotsman fans , the editor , Magnus Linklater , unveiled the nameplate carrying the paper 's titlepiece , with its bristling thistle picked out in silver against a background of deep red .
11 He had scarcely known Maggie , could not have known that he could not have chosen a better treat than this mysterious park , with its vast statues carved out of the living rock : the huge-mouthed cave with its mighty teeth , the vast stone giant , his shoulders visible through bushes a hundred yards away , half hidden in greenery ; and above all , the great carved stone dragon with its broken wings , and wild Chinese eyes .
12 St. John 's was in fact rebuilt ten years before the sack , but it survived remarkably well , and its stained glass existed up until the eighteenth century when Stukeley records its removal .
13 Hope walked across to one of the biggest stones and examined its blank surface close up with the most scrupulous attention until the Colonel and his ward had quit the field .
14 For example , this is a passage of interpretive description of a Van Gogh self-portrait : ‘ … his emaciated , luminous head with its burning eyes set off against a whirlpool of darkness .
15 One of the Hunters looked over the android 's body ; its demonic face staring down at the android 's features .
16 But the Congress in its present form dates back to Mikhail Gorbachev 's ; it was not elected by general suffrage , but ( on behalf of the whole of what was still the Soviet Union ) partly elected on a local basis and partly nominated by special interest groups .
17 Its lumbering hulk drops down over our heads to land a good mile away .
18 It is , I am told , German settlers in County Wexford who are responsible for the Irish Brie called St Edi now being peddled in this country ; the assault of its ammoniac smell brought back to me with terrible force a twenty-two-year-old memory of the Camembert of war-time Egypt which , I now realize , could have been none other than the handiwork of a German fifth column active in Alexandria . )
19 ICI shrugged off a decision by house broker Hoare Govett to pull its current year forecast back within the market average ( cutting from £1.04 billion to £900m pre-tax ) , the shares ending the session 9 higher at £12.58 .
20 But when its current owners moved in in 1970 the kitchen was still very much the same .
21 If one side , say the antimissile jamming device , pulled too far ahead in the design race , the other side , the missile in this case , would simply cease to be used and manufactured : it would go ‘ extinct ’ Far from being paradoxical like Alice 's original example , the Red Queen effect in its arms-race context turns out to be fundamental to the very idea of progressive advancement .
22 A dog lay down by the side of the building , its pink tongue lolling out with thirst .
23 Hoare said last night it now expected to be trimming its full year forecast back from the £30m pencilled in so far .
24 Kuwait , with a capacity of 2,000,000 bpd before the Iraqi occupation and subsequent fire damage , was thought to be producing only about 500,000 bpd , but planned to increase its output to 900,000 bpd by June 1992 and to 1,500,000 bpd by the end of the year as most of its fire-damaged wells came back on stream .
25 And the long-suffering elder , which always looks beautiful , graceful , however much you cut it , with its lacy plates held out to the sun .
26 Suppose it happened to bias meiosis in such a way that it , the mutant gene itself , was more likely than its allelic partner to end up in the egg .
27 A punctured car wheel that someone was repairing lay in the centre of the floor with half its inner tube hanging out like a paunched rabbit .
28 Its sensuous aroma drifted in through the open sun-roof , provoking a little series of painful memories of country walks in Oxfordshire with Mortimer …
29 But yesterday 's announcement really amounts to an admission that the Government badly bungled its first attempt to lay down by law how English should be taught in schools — only two years ago .
30 Its front door opened on to an average Cotswold high street .
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