Example sentences of "its [noun] [prep] [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 Lights still burned in the musty old Marxist — Leninist bookshop , with its icons to Stalin on the wall .
2 However , he went on to say that the acceptance of the existence of Communist China did not mean that Taiwan had abandoned its " one-China policy " and that the country was prepared to wait for a positive response to its proposals for unification on the basis of liberal democratic policies .
3 The government disclosed its plans for WCY on the last day of January simultaneously in London and six cities , courtesy of British Telecom 's £200 an hour Confravision service .
4 Robyn heard the rain , imagined its sheen of wetness on the grass , on the trees and plants , and found herself nodding slowly .
5 Nunney Castle shows its paces at Swithland on the Great Central Railway in 1991 .
6 Ruined cottages nestle among its birches , and miners , with guns over their shoulders , roam its maze of tracks on the look-out for duck and rabbit .
7 Samir Geaga , head of the ( Christian ) Lebanese Forces militia , resigned formally on March 20 his nominal post of Minister of State in the government of national unity , which he had boycotted since its formation in December on the grounds that it was too pro-Syrian .
8 If demand is sufficient , the engine may also be utilized on other occasions during its period of stay on the Railway .
9 In 1909 Margaret Llewelyn Davies gave evidence to a royal commission on divorce law reform , and the Guild began its advocacy for divorce on the same terms as men .
10 The defendant company denied liability under its policy of insurance on the ground that the loss of the watch and ring was not caused by theft within the meaning of the Act of 1968 .
11 Hopes had risen on Thursday that China would abandon its block on talks on the proposals and accept Hong Kong government representatives and influence in any negotiating team with Beijing .
12 The T&G , which may yet be shamed into balloting its members , has made no secret of its backing for Smith on the basis that he has a ‘ movement background ’ .
13 This prophecy came true when in 1870 the Dingwall & Skye Railway opened its line from Dingwall on the eastern seaboard to Strome Ferry on the west on the shores of the waters of Loch Carron .
14 Whether one interpreted this from the perspective of a 16th century Milton or that of a 20th century anarchist , the outcome was still the same in its condemnation of restrictions on the free expression and dissemination of opinions .
15 " Coming from the continent and sweeping over Britain from east to west , then crossing the Irish Sea , a military aristocracy of Celtic origin came to dominate the land and impose its way of life on the indigenous peoples .
16 Every few minutes a truck thunders down the strategic Salang Highway on its way from Hiratan on the Soviet border to Kabul .
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