Example sentences of "when [pers pn] have [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 On a more mundane level , I have felt delight in contemplating some phenomenon of nature which I have seen and felt with the emotions of a child when I have escaped from the prison house of our habitual thoughts .
2 When you have recovered from the shock , take a long , hard look at how you organise your horse 's welfare ; you may well be able to make cutbacks that are in no way detrimental to his health .
3 When she had graduated from the School of Fashion she had sold her entire degree collection to Lady Jane , a small but exclusive West End boutique , who had greeted her designs with such enthusiasm that she had believed the world was her oyster and everything was about to happen for her .
4 Dameta had taken one look at her heated countenance when she 'd emerged from the pleasance , and had ordered her to bed , muttering about fevers and the carelessness of wandering about in gardens without a mantle .
5 One thing is certain : thanks to the generosity of many , we will be able to listen to a wealth of music at very modest cost when we have bought from the C.A. Record Stall .
6 The smoke had been west and north when they had looked from the Ridgery .
7 Lipids in general are not very antigenic erm er it 's interesting to note that lipid A , when it 's purified from the other components is almost totally responsible for the toxic amount of any property .
8 Wind also has a profound effect on plant growth in the Western Isles in that is usually salt-laden , particularly when it has come from the west or south-west , having passed over long distances of wave-tom ocean .
9 He estimated that at that time the local wind had become steady at 15 to 20 mph from 300°M , which was less than that on previous occasions when he had operated from the same field .
10 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
11 And complained that she had refused to let him in when he had returned from the wine bar having forgotten his key .
12 When he had woken from a faint sleep on the ice cold floor of the cell , Holly had known that the lice had found him .
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