Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One can imagine my indignation when I finally received a copy of a letter that had been signed by Mr. Ian Fleming , one of the Minister 's officials , clearly stating in annex A : ’ The scheme was introduced in April 1990 ( but took into account in its first year any systems obtained by GPs since April 1989 ) .
2 The shock of finding out , when I finally persuaded a partner to play with me , that I was colour-blind , put paid to my dreams of a misspent youth .
3 But , when I finally found a nurse , I could n't remember where Gabrielle 's room was .
4 They were both Waafs on the staff at Group , and when I tentatively expressed an interest in spiritualism , they fastened onto me like leeches .
5 When I later became an agnostic and went to university , nobody had ever heard of my Bible college .
6 Once again , thanks for the best laugh I 've had since my friend Daniel fell out of a transit van I was driving when I unexpectedly chucked a right .
7 I 've watched a lot of American campaigning at close quarters including the primaries and presidential election of 1980 , the Republican Convention in 1984 ( when I also spent a week travelling with Ronald Reagan ) and the most recent Republican
8 Is the Minister aware that when I recently addressed a meeting of the Ayr , Renfrew and Bute Black-Faced Sheep Breeders Association not only was I extremely well received but much concern was expressed about the position of sheep rearers in the area ?
9 There 's my notes from the when I actually passed a repeat and we did n't say that travel agents sales were going to be done on that number .
10 That two hit men had waylaid you and that we were making our escape when you suddenly had a brainstorm and accused me of being in league with them ?
11 It took us more than an hour to make our way down those 47 double flights of metal stairs , but we were young and healthy and we enjoyed steins of lager when we finally reached a ground level bar .
12 They almost tarnished their clean-living image in Belgium when they inadvertently visited a brothel .
13 Fern Lodge , Highgate , was one of their shorter stops , when it briefly became a centre of the literary universe .
14 When he finally had a nightmare about the loss of her , at least it supplied him with a landscape to imagine her in again ; there was some spasm of life in that , he supposed .
15 And when he finally produced a son in series two , you did n't so much ask ‘ when ? ’ as ‘ how ? ’
16 When he barely had a life in his old home .
17 I only once went into his garden , a beautifully kept one , even in war-time , when he kindly picked a bunch of tulips for me and showed me some new potatoes he was growing in pots in the greenhouse .
18 Very quickly , however , his superiors recognized his talent for understanding and winning the goodwill of Africans , as when he successfully resolved a dispute with the rulers of Old Calabar , upon which the settlement was largely dependent for foodstuffs .
19 This can prove a very hazardous occupation at times as Graham can vouch for when he recently had an argument with the railway line near A60 and ended up in Weymouth & District Hospital — not a recommended method for getting an afternoon off work !
20 In the same way I was unable to do much else but grin and bear it when my then assistant chief constable ( crime ) , Ken Oxford ( later to be the chief constable of Merseyside ) implicitly restated police concepts of correct bodily order , when he jokingly told a group of visiting journalists who had come to do a story on this wayward group of detectives , ‘ we pay him a plain clothes allowance you know ’ .
21 He could quite clearly see through it to the crushed grass on which it lay but , when he gingerly touched a scale that was a mere golden sheen on thin air , it felt solid enough .
22 A week later he was in the chair at a meeting of the Humanist Society when he suddenly had a vision of Bill Brice looking down at him from the moulding in the corner of the ceiling with a crown of thorns on his head , and look of sweet forgiveness on his face ; whereupon he stood up and made a long , confused speech about the hunger for God that gnawed inside each of us , however stiff-necked and jeering we might be ; which caused great embarrassment to all those present , and even greater embarrassment later to progressive theologians on the staff , who felt that such old-fashioned emotive conversions could only undo all their good work .
23 She was getting very near him when he suddenly turned a corner .
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