Example sentences of "when [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Use the spaces below to remind you when checks need to be carried out .
2 When anomalies come to be seen as posing serious problems for a paradigm , a period of ‘ pronounced professional insecurity ’ sets in .
3 Even when pods have to be opened in the field , to save weight on the return journey , the seeds can be kept in good condition for two weeks by packing them in damp charcoal .
4 Indeed the need to know about the earlier and later stages of a child 's education becomes imperative when schools have to plan the next stage of learning on the basis of achievement so far , when teachers have to evaluate and — if appropriate — change their own teaching , when parents have to be told in detail how their children are progressing and when LEAs , parents and governors have to have information which allows the performance of the school as a whole to be evaluated .
5 They are the only ones certain to be counted in an election , for votes of lower preference are counted only when transfers have to be made .
6 Other authors have claimed that visual laterality effects occur when judgements have to be made from memory , that is , beyond the coding stage ( Hardyck , Tzeng and " Wang , 1977 ; 1978 ; Kirsner , 1980 ; Kirsner and Brown , 1981 . )
7 When goods have to be despatched by a carrier ( e.g. the Post Office ) Rule 5(2) is often helpful .
8 But , occasions do arise when positions have to be determined from the intersection of position lines .
9 When batteries need to be removed simply tilt the control box and allow them to slide out into your hand .
10 But later , when details come to be worked out , it appears as a part of the ‘ limited ’ investigation into the causes of particular effects .
11 When patients recover after being given glucagon , oral glucose or carbohydrate should be given to replenish glycogen stores and prevent recurrent hypoglycaemia .
12 This will not , however , address the deficiencies of local storage facilities on those occasions , such as immunisation of children at school , when vaccines need to be transported to other sites .
13 Towards the end of the nineteenth century this belief began to impress itself upon a few mature minds that were open to a concept of childhood quite different from that of an earlier age , when children tended to be regarded as nothing better than undeveloped adults .
14 When schemas need to be changed , considerable attention needs to be paid to internal barriers to change , or the best-laid strategies will fail .
15 CAD gains dramatically when components have to be redrawn many times , when it may out-perform a human by 100 : 1 .
16 One of his regrets is that in four series against West Indies his record is very ordinary — one innings in which he took eight wickets , but little else of note — and he is aware that not having proved himself against the best team in the world will be held against him when reputations come to be assessed .
17 When emeralds began to be cut , lapidaries found that their qualities were likely to be displayed to best advantage by step-cutting , and this method is still widely used for this stone , though brilliant cutting is sometimes applied .
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