Example sentences of "when [pron] had [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I asked Frankie when I had pushed through to him .
2 I had been down in my pantry working through the supplies sheets , when I had heard somewhere above my head the unmistakable sounds of motor cars pulling up in the courtyard .
3 When I had run out of paper , I bowed to the boys and departed .
4 I remember my excitement when I had arrived there for the first time from St Aubyn 's .
5 ‘ What do you want ? ’ she asked mutinously , deliriously thankful that she had succeeded in not succumbing to the urge to blub her eyes out when she had dashed out of the living-room .
6 She had worn it twice , once when she had gone out for dinner with her father and Leo and on the night of Sylvie 's return from Italy .
7 She remembered the distinct thud of disappointment verging on alarm she had experienced when she had stepped out of the lift to find him surrounded by luggage , obviously leaving .
8 She could feel the tightness in her chest which she had experienced when she had rushed out into the night the previous week .
9 And yet when she had peered down at Scathach 's body she had looked through leaves , through summer .
10 He smiled and looked down , remembering that moment in the machine when she had glared back at him .
11 From the first night he had met her , when she had stood up to him in his own house , he had been attracted to her .
12 So , thought Meredith grimly when she had arrived back in the kitchen of Rose Cottage , do we rush on madly to our doom .
13 Sam 's mind quickly returned to the last time he had seen Clare , when she had returned early from the beach to find Sam in their bed , and not alone .
14 By a coincidence the letter had been waiting for her on her dressing-table when she had got in from the pictures the previous night , just after she had been thinking and talking of Hilda .
15 Pound had known Phyllis Bottome between 1905 and 1907 , when they were fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania , and it 's not clear whether it is that early association , or a period later when she had caught up with him in London , that Phyllis Bottome had in mind when she wrote of how Pound tried to transform her as a writer from a talented amateur into a professional :
16 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
17 It has always been my hope that he did n't trouble to bestir himself even when we had gone out of sight .
18 When they had walked back to the car , his father had offered him one of the fish .
19 The kids ? ’ he said when they had got back to his digs .
20 ‘ I will speak to him , ’ he said to her when they had got out of earshot , ‘ and see if I can not resolve this matter . ’
21 The bungalow showed no sign of life , and there had not been any when they had driven past on the road .
22 When they had dried perfunctorily on the threadbare towels that were issued they were marched across the stamped snow of a path to the Store for the clothing issue .
23 She had tried to explain this feeling to Gay and Felicity , when they had come out of the Jade Cockatoo on their last night together ; but she had known all the time that it was n't a thing that could be explained .
24 Virtually all the members of the South Wales Area of the NUM had obeyed the strike call when it had gone out in 1984 .
25 After an hour of this , the pike left it alone and when it had done so for the fifth time , El-ahrairah swam across himself and went home .
26 Twice , when he had run out of ideas , he had driven the little Triumph out of the district to a coffee shop where he was not known , and had sat drinking coffee and talking to the men next to him at the counter , surprised to find himself accepted as a member of the grown-up world .
27 Harold , rather forgetful of his purpose , proceeded to upbraid the guests in a positively violent fashion and then , when he had run out of personal ammunition , he said to Haines , ‘ Joe , tell them of any specific complaints that we have .
28 Hoomey thought back , and could not remember having them when he had run home through the rain .
29 When he had gone through to the bedroom , tired , shaking , cold , she stripped herself of all the finery — fighting with clasps , pushing and twisting rings .
30 When he had gone up on deck again he found that the Prince had lowered two small rowing boats and was systematically scouring the river .
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