Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was a phase in between school and college when I was a vegetarian , when I shared a house with friends who were macrobiotic .
2 ‘ In some ways , ’ he said yesterday , ‘ Python does look very old-fashioned now , yet when I arranged a compilation of all 45 shows for the BBC I found that we had on the Not The Nine O ’ Clock News unintentionally pinched a number of things , putting the signature in the middle of the programme , parodying famous TV interviews .
3 During the next year I completed my book , and all our hearts rose when I received a request from Mr William Ross 's office to see the manuscript .
4 This possibility was confirmed some months later when I received a letter from the mother of one of the men in Leslie 's ‘ stick , ( as a unit of paratroops dropped together from one aircraft was called ) .
5 I had just sent in last month 's article on the rib transfer carriage and shadow lace , when I received a letter from Mr David Dick of Irvine , Ayrshire , asking about knitting an embossed lace pattern using the ribber .
6 Our spirits were already beginning to flag when I received a letter from Eliot dated 2 June :
7 However , when I tabled a question to that effect , the Under-Secretary of State , the hon. Member for Wells ( Mr. Heathcoat-Amory ) , answered by stating that , before the position could be changed , primary legislation would be required .
8 When I got a look at the place , I had to admit that the doctor was probably not very concerned about my opinion .
9 They 'd been considerably bucked when I got a place at Merton , you see .
10 ‘ At some point I was torn between two or three different possibilities of how to go ahead ’ said Christina Gillespie , the secretary of the group , ‘ when I got a phone-call from the Salvation Army , saying that they were praying for me .
11 Another eyewitness said : ‘ I was in my office when I saw a lot of women coming out of a hairdresser 's with towels over their heads .
12 I was in the fruit and vegetable section waiting to weigh some potatoes on the scales when I saw a bairn of about three years old , a bonnie wee lad with fair hair and big dark blue eyes , picking apples out of the bin and shoving them into his mother 's shopping bag .
13 Three days later I was limping back from the village and was about half a mile from home when I saw a movement in the hedge .
14 I was on my way towards the main door of the clubhouse when I saw a cluster of men who could only be journalists .
15 ‘ I was on my way down to Les Hiboux when I saw a light in the trees .
16 ‘ I had never heard of the area when I met a teacher from there in 1973 but we became friends and I started to visit .
17 ( At the time I thought the idea was ridiculous until many years later when I attended a church in Holborn where the vicar , giving a fearsome sermon , abruptly burst into flames .
18 Throughout the 1970s I had been mainly studying black holes , but in 1981 my interest in questions about the origin and fate of the universe was reawakened when I attended a conference on cosmology organized by the Jesuits in the Vatican .
19 A nagging doubt began to affect me when I observed a signpost to Cape Town .
20 I went down there once when I had a fight with a girl , a white girl .
21 Erm yeah let's see if there 's anything else I , I remember thinking when I , when I had a look through this erm so er yeah erm oh great so
22 Somewhere there , but off the would n't it be but erm it was an event erm when I had a rise in wages my mother being a dressmaker she used to have a machine under the little front window and when I got a , I had a , they 'd put my wages up to ten shillings , and when I got in mum came over and said what 's the matter with you she said you seem as if you 're walking on air I said I 'd had a rise in wages and it was up from eight and four pence up to ten shillings I do n't know what that seems but still .
23 When I had a chat with him he had just celebrated Gala 's triumph at Heriot 's FP U21 sevens , in which his centre was older brother Craig .
24 I worked in up there about nineteen fifty or fifty one when I had a dispute with the manager and I gave him a week 's notice .
25 ‘ Then I 'd moved out , when I had a job with a doctor in Blackburn , and she was very bored , I think .
26 To speak more intelligibly , I never have made any arrangement of plot when I commenced a work of fiction , and often finish a chapter without having the slightest idea of what materials the ensuing one is to be constructed .
27 Then I saw that a D. Mus. degree required the composition of a fugue in eight parts , and when I wrote a Concerto for string orchestra I felt compelled to better this with a ten-part contrapuntal episode .
28 I was deep into a descending spiral when I heard a tap at the window against which I was sitting .
29 As I remember it was one morning a little while after my father and Miss Kenton had joined the staff , I had been in my pantry , sitting at the table going through my paperwork , when I heard a knock on my door .
30 I believe I had walked a little way along the roadside , peering through the foliage hoping to get a better view , when I heard a voice behind me .
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