Example sentences of "when [pron] [be] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is the dispositional fact that I believe my name is what it is , which is a fact about me when I am not thinking of my name .
2 And she said : ‘ When I am not training for hockey I play football .
3 And when I was n't looking at it .
4 When I was not swinging on the goalposts , I was arguing with the rest of the girls ( or playing ‘ chasy ’ games with the boys ) .
5 ‘ Well , when I 'm not dealing in arms , I design knitwear , things like that .
6 I used to worry about nuclear power , and now I worry about pollution and dead dolphins — when I 'm not worrying about money .
7 well I did n't really want to get out of bed and , well I do n't have to when I 'm not going to school I , I can have well
8 And , he says , when you 're not understood by anybody , you respond by misunderstanding them back .
9 It 'll come when you 're not thinking of it .
10 ‘ I expect when you 're not going to the theatre — sometimes — and going to the cinema — sometimes — you 're having cosy little evenings in with Arnie ? ’
11 Oh Shane , who went in the lounge when you 're not meant to ?
12 Especially when you 're not gon na like me for this because , you 're not gon na like me for this but I think one think about Foxy is he is two faced .
13 Sipping a Sling does not have the same flavour of nostalgia when you are not sitting in the old hotel with the arches and verandahs imagining you are Somerset Maugham .
14 Add to that a predilection to falling off buses because you think you see Him on every corner , in every crowd , at every window , and the inevitability of actually seeing Him in the off-licence when you were n't expecting to , and feeling your entire stomach lurch forward involuntarily like waking from a dream of falling .
15 The inescapable subservience of the female is ratified even when she is not manoeuvred as an object of adoration or spite : But the effect of this fifteenth-century carol in providing a reminder that the Incarnation was realised through a woman , is to put a warning shot across the bows of those who exploit the daughters of Eve .
16 He was fond of his wife in an absent-minded way , especially when she was not nagging at him , so he took a Kleenex out of the kitchen box and went back to her , saying rather hopelessly : ‘ Here , have a Kleenex . ’
17 When she was not steeped in work she was warm and gregarious , almost as though she was ensuring a queue of admirers to buy up her next batch of paintings .
18 When she was not engaged in company work , she was overseeing the redesigning and restocking of the gardens , which she loved , and , of course , planning the decoration of the house .
19 When she was not travelling round the world , Miss Hayes lived at Nyack or spent time with her adopted son , James , who became known to television viewers as detective Dan Williams on the series Hawaii Five-O .
20 The post-war years brought nagging doubts for Mary , when she was not surrounded by her now four healthy children .
21 When she was n't inveighing against cruelty to ponies and disgusting language at Rutshire Polo Club , and furiously ringing up Ricky to complain about Perdita thundering ponies five abreast down Eldercombe High Street , she was writing to Dancer , to grumble about cheeky builders , truculent security guards , and Alsatians chasing her cat , Smudge .
22 When she was n't required for her scene in the court room of Alexandria she was fetching and carrying and dabbing calamine lotion on the shoulders of John Harbour who , earlier in the day , had been broiled pink as a lobster by inexpertly using a sun-lamp .
23 So in the past , when we were not shielded from moonlight , it may have had an effect .
24 when we could n't , when , when we were not allowed to in the States .
25 We were now face to face with this man of diverse talent — poet , novelist , song-writer , performer — after following his career for nearly two decades , reading his books , playing his records , watching him sing , reading of him through the eyes of his critics — no easy feat when one is not inhibited by astigmatism !
26 Ergo , every autumn those trees with any sort of seasonal sense at all shed their leaves , which are pretty useless anyway when there 's not going to be much Sun around , and ride out the storms on bare poles .
27 Skimming along the water-front with the peculiarly flat ride jeeps give when they 're not lurching on one wheel over lumpy terrain .
28 It 's probably where the expression ‘ work like a dog ’ was born ; no wonder they shuffle under the shearing sheds and grab as much sleep as they can when they 're not clambering over sheep 's backs or kicking up the fine , red dust .
29 She also helps with the care assistants , giving them something to do when they are not dealing with me .
30 ‘ Old people commonly are despised , ’ observed Richard Steele , ‘ especially when they are not supported with good estates ; ’ while another commented in 1621 how , in contrast to the common ‘ pleasure in infants ’ shown by women , ‘ old people are burdensome to all ; neither their talk nor their company is acceptable . ’
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