Example sentences of "when [pron] [verb] [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 When I got back from the war it was all gone destroyed by full employment — not that I 'm regretting that , you understand .
2 I saw the last few minutes of the game when I got back from the pub last night and was amazed to hear some commentator say ‘ Manchester United have n't lost at home in the European Cup for 37 years ’ .
3 And so I when I got back from the talk I had a look and sure enough there are , throughout the British Isles there are five New Brightons .
4 When I got in from the airport — yesterday , give or take a week — the flat felt lightly dishevelled , hurriedly lived-in , as if the cleaning-lady 's efforts had been briskly cancelled or mussed .
5 I tell you what I 'll speak to you when I come back from the chippie yeah
6 When I came round from the chloroform I was in bed .
7 I missed several classes because they put me up in , for instance I , when I came up from the infants to the big school I missed the first standard and they put me into standard two and I went from two , three , four , five , six , seven and seven and I was only eleven , you see , so I did pretty well and then the Headmaster came to my parents and said , why do n't you let her go in for a scholarship to Stowmarket Secondary and so I went in for that and er there was one other girl went as well , there were two of us and erm , and of course we only heard during the summer break and er we passed .
8 I felt further away from him than I had ever felt , even when I came back from the hospital .
9 When I came back from the bathroom , I looked at my watch .
10 When I came back from the war , we still had rationing for a few years .
11 When I fly out from the nest over the moors to its great and awesome cliff and gyre on the winds out over the sea then can I call myself a Wrath eagle . ’
12 Well you two can do it when you get back from the walk , just left me to do it
13 And if you go round , particularly the steep slopes on the margins of Ashdown Forest , not on Ashdown Forest itself but when you climb up from the very flat erm plain area of the Low Weald onto the so-called High Weald , then that area in particular is very subject to , to this type of activity .
14 Did erm did you notice any great differences when you came back from the war ?
15 What erm what kind of employment did you find when you came back from the war ?
16 And then , when she looked out from the window of her room in the Palings Hotel , there he was , a star performer modest amid the crowd , the Great Zeno , walking past with his twin , Luke Mallen .
17 When she came back from the doctor , she was crying in pain , ’ says Aszal Galiara .
18 Nurse Jones was a busy woman and he valued the minutes he had with her over a cup of tea when she came down from the bedroom .
19 She might phone about half past nine when she comes back from the hospital .
20 And similarly , most of the CTC and especially the , were utterly and outspokenly delighted when she stood down from the committee on moving to PLACE .
21 Oh well I b , it were , we all had to be in the union anyway and so we used to er we used to go to the meetings a a a you know as youngsters and then when we came back from the Army we 'd got to the union meeting as well .
22 We were in a shabby little hole in Paddington , and when we came back from the pub that night he went walking up and down that hotel room , sticking his chest out and saying , ‘ I 'm the sex queen of Bloomsbury .
23 In my judgment , the election campaign started when we came back from the Christmas recess — Order .
24 Shortly before yesterday 's debate on the economy you told the House that in your opinion the general election campaign started when we came back from the Christmas recess .
25 ‘ Lavinia , what do we do when we come back from the littlest room ?
26 When we get back from the pub . ’
27 when we got back from the mission and inspected the guns , we found he had put the right gun in the left barrel and vice versa .
28 When they drove out from the castle , Johnson found little in Dunbui 's yellow rock to engage his attention , other than the remarkable fact that the Guillemot , known locally as the Coot , while as small as a duck , lays eggs as large as those of a goose .
29 When they came back from the segregation unit they would thank us for getting the chance to get their heads together . ’
30 George MacDonald saw the people from Strathnaver arriving at the sea : ‘ When they came down from the Strath to the sea-shore they suffered very much from want of houses .
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