Example sentences of "when we [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We thought all our problems were over when we finally got the rig set up , but now we 've got to examine a deluge of fresh rock ! ’
2 Speaking of Deano — everyone I talked felt that as we had paid £2.7 million for a centre forward would n't it be nice if hung around near the goal or in the box for that matter instead of running all over the show and when we finally get the ball in the box there 's nobody there .
3 When we finally left the school the return journey home was even worse than the journey to school with pupils being cheeky when you told them to sit down and face the front .
4 It was dark when we finally left the area of the 51st Highland Division , arriving back at the clearing in the woods near to Bavent , very much refreshed , outwardly and inwardly , not forgetting the gift of a bottle of best malt whisky .
5 Yet , when we finally gain the object of our desire , we are baffled by the constant emptiness we still feel .
6 We saw not another soul , even when we finally reached the clearing where a number of circular dustbin-sized holes had been neatly excavated in the red mud .
7 When we finally reached the hut where Eric was supposed to be , it was deserted .
8 When we finally reached the top of the Bouton Straits the rain had ceased as completely as the wind and it was only the current which carried us eastwards into the luminous open sea .
9 When we finally had the showdown , he actually told me that none of them mattered .
10 When we finally stopped the van behind slid on the hard ice and narrowly missed colliding with us .
11 also we have had promises of items on loan when we eventually open the Museum .
12 And in the second half when we always make the bulk of our profits , we fought back and our second pre-tax er , er performance , exceeded by some five million er , that of nineteen ninety .
13 When we now roll the ball towards the dent it may circle around once or twice but eventually it will fall through the hole .
14 When we actually reached the reef , with calm water erupting into foaming waves twenty feet high as they hit the rocks , the Mantela bucked like a frightened horse , sank into a trough , reared up again , and then , as suddenly as it had started , the old tub was through the creamy foam of the passage and had settled into the lazy waters of the lagoon .
15 When we actually saw the approach lights we were 450 feet above the threshold , and I was getting ready to go around .
16 Er it gives us when when we actually set the thing up and make the presentation , it gives us another opportunity for publicity not only in the local papers o of our own area but the local papers of wherever the school was .
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