Example sentences of "when we [verb] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 When we announced a course of foundation principles for the church , we broke Ephesians down as follows :
2 I was having tea with A company when we heard a lot of shouting and went to investigate .
3 Perhaps the best decade was the sixties when we played a lot of Shaw , Wilde and Ibsen .
4 Equation is seen , for instance , when we recognize a picture of someone we know ; and qualification was at work when a cave painter added the last few touches which made his bison look more energetic and more nearly alive than the others already on the rock face .
5 One day , soon after our night outside the castle , Princess Flavia and I were riding through the town when we saw a group of people dressed in black going to the church .
6 And another instance of that was well this was not so long ago when we had a loan of a barge from just a mini landing craft sort of thing where the front of it folded down .
7 When we draw a picture of a planet 's orbit we show the Sun , of course , and a single line around it in the shape of an ellipse .
8 When we obtained a copy of this draft in December 1991 we were concerned at its inadequacies and apparently wilful distortions and submitted a detailed critique to the college .
9 I ca n't help feeling that we will only really start to make progress when we have a generation of decision-makers whose understanding of the issues is more intuitive . ’
10 ‘ We had triggered the institutional invasion into estate agency when we bought a chain of agencies in East Anglia , and until the day we sold out , that was a very profitable chain .
11 But when we read a page of powerful writing , we see immediately that it is not clever and has nothing to do with fanciness or obscurity .
12 In fact when we say a piece of language is rhythmic we mean that we as readers have a rhythmic response to it — rhythm is a perceptual not a physical fact .
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