Example sentences of "when they [verb] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rank had funded his forays into production on the back of profits accruing from the exhibition of US pictures but , instead of standing firm with the American companies when they announced a boycott of British screens , he decided to boost his own company 's production .
2 David was one of those frustrating , enigmatic footballers who perform brilliantly in opposition against you , but who never reproduce such quality of performance when they become a player at your club .
3 MALONE begin the defence of the Ulster Senior Cup title amid a host of problems when they undertake a repeat of last year 's final against North at Ormeau .
4 When they applied a voltage of — 0.7 V to the mesh they found that the resistance to passage of chloride ions was ten times greater than at zero volts .
5 When they applied a voltage to the grid , the pyrole polymerised onto it .
6 George and Elizabeth were on the point of going to bed when they heard a knock on the door .
7 Last October , in their most serious attack on tourists , Gama'a militants shot dead a British woman when they ambushed a bus in southern Egypt .
8 Where were you when they put a man on the moon ? ’
9 The giving of often lavish presents to diplomats when they left a court to which they had been accredited , when a treaty was signed between two states or a special embassy of congratulation or condolence was sent , still a widespread practice in the first years of the nineteenth century , fairly soon became unimportant .
10 Why should any of us carry on playing their game when they treated a man like that ?
11 For instance , many children when they draw a house for the first time will do their utmost to draw the four sides and the roof of the building all in one drawing , and they generally succeed in portraying three sides and the roof of the house , all laid out flat .
12 The race used to be cash-orientated but these days attracts more enthusiasts than those determined to be first over the line , said Mr Brown , who was reminded of the film made about the race when they saw a man in a huge Alvis wearing what appeared to be an animal .
13 In the late afternoon Dangerfield and Killion were flying together on their fifth patrol when they saw a formation of five Pfalz fighters climbing towards them .
14 The band was playing in Switzerland when they saw a building on fire .
15 Neighbours did n't suspect when they saw a team of men loading furniture into a van — because Jackie was waiting to be rehoused .
16 What was it the air-raid wardens shouted when they saw a house with a chink of light showing ?
17 A group of Scots taken prisoner at Solway Moss , the earls of Glencairn and Cassillis , lords Fleming , Maxwell , Somerville and others , obtained their release and were sent back to Scotland when they signed a request to Henry that he should take Mary into his care , with the intention of marrying her to his son , the future Edward VI ; their offer that they would help to bring him to power in Scotland , should Mary die , was kept entirely secret .
18 Eddie had just got back from work when they had a row in the kitchen .
19 None of these eternal operators faired very well when they had a posting to a training unit .
20 of course until they notify and get it exempted which is always opened to do it 's always been opened of course to notify an answer when they get a bit of clearance should of been
21 Got the old watering can and then you get down on this plant , and then when they get a gist of that first time that they go whooo , you wake up in the morning , you 've got co , conifers like Jack and The Beanstalk coming
22 About when they get a load of in ,
23 Because generally speaking … when they get a bee in their bonnet , they tend not to write letters .
24 Every few paces they paused to peer ahead into the gloom , and when they reached a gap in the trees Devraux stopped and pointed .
25 He agreed the team had infringed the defendants ' rights when they wrote a book on the case .
26 I believe many people increasingly want their news when it is convenient for them — when they get in from work , when they 've picked up the children from school , when they take a break from their work , or finish a meeting , when they arrive in a hotel .
27 I believe many people increasingly want their news when it is convenient for them — when they get in from work , when they 've picked up the children from school , when they take a break from their work , or finish a meeting , when they arrive at a hotel .
28 Broadly , practices , propositions , beliefs , and so forth , are ideological when they present a state of affairs in such a way as to render it attractive or self-evident to a specific audience .
29 However , bonne chance comes their way when they win a holiday for two to the city of romance …
30 People love to be awed when they enter a pub by a superior natural force — a strange sort of higher masochism . ’
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