Example sentences of "when he [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had heard shots , including the rapid fire of automatics , but when he rushed down to the river-bank the kidnappers had already vanished with their victims .
2 He had no money in his bank account , and when he gazed about at the huge drawing-room , smaller inner drawing-room and large bedroom , he had no idea how he was to find the money to buy the barest essentials — a few chairs , a table , a bed .
3 I said well he reckons it does , he says when he filled up at the garage it were full , he says we had n't got back and it was between the half and three quarters , I said oh I never looked at it
4 When he woke up in the morning , the building was raised over him !
5 Freddie P. , a 53 year-old , single accountant presented in the casualty department of a local hospital complaining that , for the last four days , he had noticed beads of pus at the tip of his penis when he woke up in the morning .
6 When he woke up in the morning , he ran out to me .
7 ‘ … so the doctor gave him some pills , ’ Martin said , ‘ and when he woke up in the middle of the night there was a beautiful girl on his bed … diaphanous nightie , trailing blonde hair , the lot … ’
8 ’ When still she made no move , he chuckled and made as if to put the document away again , pausing when he saw out of the corner of his eye that she was returning to the desk , albeit hesitantly .
9 I did n't even look up as he went up the ramp into the street , so I 'm still not sure when he passed out of the garden and into the rest of the world .
10 Ah thought oor Damian was gonny burst a gut laughin' when he cam back fae the school and tellt us whit Miss Mackenzie had had tae pit in the register , the day the incomers signed on .
11 Ronnie Wilkie from Pest Control Dundee recently proved that cockroaches are anywhere and everywhere when he signed up for a sizeable job to rid an oil rig off the Aberdeen coast of them .
12 About two weeks later , the old gentleman saw another white sheet with black letters when he looked out of the train .
13 Apparently Gagarin said that when he looked out of the right window of his spacecraft and glimpsed the earth for the first time , he had an experience or sense of — and then he used a word which the interpreter did not know the meaning of , so he had to go to another table and ask another interpreter to help .
14 He was turning back towards his car when he looked back with a casual afterthought .
15 When he got on as a substitute against Sweden he was first class ; in Albania he was one of our best players . ’
16 He knew the man would be magnificent when he got on to the stage that night .
17 I remember that when he got up at the end of the meal , his head nearly touched the ceiling , and , as usual , the rising to his feet was undertaken by means of the silent swivel-mechanism .
18 He felt stiff when he got up from the chair and turned out the light and groped his way through the still open doorway to the bed , shedding his clothes on to the floor .
19 He had knocked over the water jug when he got up from the table .
20 When he got up in the morning , his ankles felt ricketty .
21 He and Anne had a bathroom opening out of their bedroom but Adam , when he got up in the night , usually went to the other one that was on the far side of the landing .
22 ‘ He slept like a log and when he got up in the morning and saw the car had gone he was very upset , ’ said a source .
23 When he got back into the kitchen the cat , finally courageous in its search for food , was sitting in the corner .
24 He half expected that the police would be waiting for him when he got back to the pub .
25 ‘ This is very nice , ’ she said , when he got back to the table .
26 There would be punishment waiting for him when he got back to the house .
27 Davis had such a good time in Paris that when he got back to the US , he was so depressed that ‘ before I knew it , I had a heroin habit that took me four years to kick . ’
28 When he got back to the hotel Gentle 's first instinct was to call Jude .
29 The painting in four contrary modes was there to greet Gentle when he got back to the studio .
30 Charles looked a mess when he got back to the car , but Frances made no comment .
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