Example sentences of "when it be [vb pp] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When it be proved that there is no legal right to protest in Britain , for example , there still remains the need to consider the existence of a moral right to do so .
2 More recently , Twin Peaks ( 1990- ) may be less surprising in its unsettling mix of crime , pastiche and parody when it is recognized that its coauthor , Mark Frost , was also a script writer of the first Hill Street Blues series .
3 Not of course that the reasoning is invalid , or that the paradigm itself can not be questioned when it is sensed that something is going wrong ; indeed it is its destiny to lead eventually to intolerable anomalies and be replaced by another .
4 One escapes the old analogy only by submitting to another ; the role of logic , even when it is suspected that there is something wrong at the foundations of the argument , is confined to applying and criticizing concepts thrown up by the spontaneous process of analogizing .
5 This is particularly likely to provoke hostility when it is believed that there is an element of wilfulness in the old person 's responses .
6 The full measure of that remark may be gauged when it is recalled that he was a senior member of the University Senate and a Fellow of Peterhouse , Cambridge .
7 Whilst there is so much contrary scientific opinion with regard to the dangers arising from asbestos dust , it is difficult to understands the IDA 's reliance upon the opinions of Professor McDonald when it is known that he derives a large share of his research funds from the asbestos industry itself .
8 Even academics , who are supposed to embody the quintessence of detached assessment , somehow respond with a lack of enthusiasm when it is suggested that their own methods of teaching , research , or organization might benefit from review .
9 I find it odd when it is suggested that it would be better for other people to grow the tobacco and for us to import it — as though that would help the health of the Community .
10 There is , however , a danger here that older people will be infantilised when it is implied that they are no longer competent and able to discriminate for themselves .
11 The grape variety used is Chenin Blanc but when it is picked before it is fully ripe , it makes dull , acidic wines , with an off-putting nose that reminds me of wet dogs .
12 When it is remembered that there are about 5,000 secondary schools the number opting out is very small .
13 There are times when it is convenient for us to go to sleep ( the shops are not open , etc. ) and when it is expected that we will not be noisy .
14 But a candidate not so ear-marked may sink to an F or G anyway when it is found that his language though intelligible is not accurate , or that though he knows some historical terminology he uses it inappropriately .
15 She does stand by him to the end however , when it is found that he is innocent , even though he seemed to proclaim his guilt by resigning .
16 She added : ‘ It was a joint decision when it was decided that he should n't retire a couple of years ago .
17 Thomas Duff , who had been going about his business as a messenger boy when it was said that he ‘ nearly ran in to two gentlemen ’ , put up a stout defence in court .
18 Then she had been forced to leave when it was discovered that her real father was a white man .
19 This new decision , however , was overruled when it was discovered that its passage would require a larger majority .
20 The link , however , was discovered soon after systematic depth soundings were taken , when it was discovered that there was a long submarine mountain range running down the middle of the Atlantic from Arctic to Antarctic .
21 and the Scottish Court of Session agreed that his employers ' prejudice justified their sacking of him ; Susan Shell was sacked from her job as a care assistant by Barking 's Labour council , when it was discovered that she was lesbian and she refused to resign .
22 One Borstal inmate , Rodney Ackland , was expelled from the company when it was discovered that he had written a highbrow play while employed as a BIP screenwriter .
23 Despite his heavy family commitments , he was instantly dismissed by his father when it was discovered that he had entertained a nurse in the company flat .
24 The interviews were already published when it was discovered that he was an impostor .
25 Two days after its signing , Joyce went to England and joined the army , but was discharged when it was discovered that he was only sixteen .
26 Even when it was announced that she and Fabien had become formally engaged I would not give up my pursuit of her .
27 When it was announced that he would be entered in the Grand National a fierce debate raged about whether the nation 's best-loved horse should take part in such a dangerous event : the letters columns of the sporting press argued the pros and cons for weeks , a national newspaper ran an opinion poll ( in which the voters came down very heavily against his participation ) , and the publication of the weights for the race ( Desert Orchid twelve stone two pounds ) added fuel to the fire .
28 She thought of taking off her overall — ; she was wearing one of Lily 's blouses underneath — only when it was unbuttoned and she looked in the mirror her chest poked out in a most peculiar way .
29 When it was heard that he had been shot in the legs at the time of his arrest , the reporters assured their readers that the general view of the British people was , ‘ A pity they did n't aim a bit higher . ’
30 I was glad to accept the honour not so much for myself but for the cutter service as a whole when it was confirmed that I was to attend at Buckingham Palace the following summer .
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