Example sentences of "when she [verb] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The darkness had come early following dismal March weather , and , alone in the office , she jumped when she heard a noise in Luke 's room .
2 When she heard a knock at her door , she frowned and called out sharply , ‘ Come in . ’
3 She had hardly settled herself against the pillows and let her thickened lids slide back over her aching eyeballs when she heard a knock on the door .
4 She was sitting on the side of her bed , trembling with worry for him , undecided whether or not it would be safe to discard her bath towel and go to his help , when she heard a footstep on the stairs and bundled back into bed , anxious to conceal the unattractive evidence of her nasty little experience .
5 Rain had reached it when she heard a thud from the direction of Linley 's room .
6 She stretched out her hand to the phone when she heard a key in the door .
7 What else did the lady expect when she married a man from Dartford with a best friend named Keith ?
8 When she received a gift from the Queensland corps back in Australia she used it to help Simon .
9 She was cleared of blame , so was stunned when she received a letter from the local authority requesting payment for repairs to the crash barrier .
10 They were both very distressed when she chose a career on the airlines . ’
11 She was educated at home until the age of twelve , when she became a day-boarder at Strathallan House , London , until the age of sixteen .
12 Loretta was paying for the tickets at the cash desk when she felt a hand on her shoulder .
13 She was about to pursue his remark when she felt a hand on her arm .
14 But my sister said exactly the same thing when she began a lot of those new remedies .
15 When she had a missive for delivery the rainbow was a bridge let down from heaven for her to travel upon .
16 Hers was on the floor by the bedside table — she 'd probably knocked it off when she had a glass of water , or when she took the veronal . ’
17 When she had a piece within her I said , ‘ Maria , you can turn away from me and sing , because I know you will never be one tiny part of a bar out . ’
18 Erm mm I ca n't remember , Alan and Josie 's daughter down the road , erm she passed out as a nurse from Queens a while ago and you know what students are in general , nurses in particular , there was , you would expect , one hell of a party when the exam results were public what came out of the the party was when she got a job as a nurse .
19 My shirts and nightwear were still " Annie Thompson " exclusives ( which was her maiden name ) and she would frequently scold herself when she made a mistake in her work and oddly I find that I do the same thing , even today , a sort of " pull your finger out Mahaddie " .
20 He converted my mother to Food Reform , and when she made a salad of grated vegetables for Christmas dinner in 1955 , my father walked out and I wish he 'd taken us with him .
21 Sophie got the idea of using it in France when she made a scarecrow for a friend .
22 It all started when she saw a hamster in a pet shop and decided to get another to keep him company .
23 When she saw a test of it she was extremely pleased and told him to run off a few hundred yards .
24 She stopped suddenly when she saw a stranger in the kitchen .
25 Her murder-solving cook Darina Lisle discovers more intrigue when she takes a job at a dying country house hotel that turns out to be a hotbed of sex and mystery .
26 But when she takes a step towards me I find I 've crossed the kitchen to meet her .
27 " It 's all a question of the difference between the epic and the tragic , " he said , when she expressed a preference for heroes that die .
28 Luce was about to ask why , when she noticed a set of traffic-lights .
29 In a bare tank ( minimum size 10″ x 6″ x 6″ ) , suspend two spawning mops on pieces of cork or polystyrene and place a clump of Java Moss on the tank base for the female to hide in when she requires a respite from spawning .
30 A WOMAN was horrified when she found a piece of sticking plaster in her tuna salad roll .
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