Example sentences of "when she [verb] a [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was crouching near the dying fire , hands around the cup for warmth , when she heard a scratching sound at the door .
2 Theresa had a transplant in 1989 and was just recovering from that ordeal when she had a brain haemorrhage and went into a coma for three months .
3 Eighty-year-old Ivy 's gnashers were lost by Southend hospital when she had a hip operation .
4 METERMAID Tina Fuchs , 21 , is to marry a millionaire she met when she slapped a parking ticket on his Mercedes .
5 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
6 When she saw a curtain move in one of the palace windows , she believed it was a signal of love from the King .
7 several years in care , the sixteen-year-old could n't believe her luck when she landed a YTP place at Lurgan Community Workshop .
8 A TV scriptwriter whose career began when she entered a writing competition because she needed the prize money , is now enjoying undreamed of success .
9 A caller phoned in to say that she could n't get past her local doctor when she wanted a home help , and he said ‘ Well you 're coping well enough ’ .
10 An introduction to Becka and her calf Kitty prompts several questions to Mrs Castle the following day — when she makes a return visit to the children at the Church of England Junior School in Wantage .
11 The nurse brings to the relationship a maturity which permits toleration of frustration if , for example , a patient is not at home when she makes a house call ; or if a patient does not take the prescribed medication ; or removes a dressing or falls out of bed .
12 He got together with the T V presenter when she opened a half size replica of Sleeping Beauty 's castle at Battersea Park , in London the castle , giving visitors a preview of the Euro-Disney Centre which opens near Paris on April the twelfth .
13 Eva gained the " magic key " to the university world when she won a government scholarship to Brisbane University at the age of seventeen .
14 In the women 's event , the accident-prone Joanne Conway is in danger of being dethroned after suffering another tumble when she missed a combination jump in her original programme , leaving her behind Gina Fulton going into today 's free programme .
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