Example sentences of "when his [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , when his secretary of the treasury ventured on one occasion to suggest that colonial rule was more efficient than the successor regimes in the newly independent states , the president brusquely retorted that it was his " personal conviction that almost any one of the newborn states of the world would far rather embrace Communism or any other form of dictatorship than accept the political domination of another government even though that brought to each citizen a far higher standard of living " .
2 He was established as a lecturer in natural philosophy at Edinburgh University for many years , but it was not until the age of fifty-eight that his first publication is recorded , when his work on the structure of crystals culminated in his report ‘ on a method of so far increasing the divergence of the two rays in a calcareous spar that only one image may be seen at a time ’ ( Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal , vol. vi , 1829 ) .
3 Meantime , he reminded himself , since the entire company was now assembled , he had better be about sending off Father Boniface 's errand-boy to find Aldhelm at Upton among his sheep , and ask him to come down to the abbey when his work for the day was over , and pick out his shadowy Benedictine from among a number now complete .
4 But the concession of the papal taxes of the clergy to the king was all too clearly to release the king from baronial pressure when his oath to the barons was cancelled and the obdurate archbishop recalled .
5 ‘ He became Jaguthin when his life in the wood became inseparable from theirs , ’ the old man said .
6 He must have known the looks of bewilderment , horror and disbelief that he would receive from some , and even the militant hostility that might await him when his visit to the Gentile , Cornelius , was discovered .
7 Not until Wednesday , that is , when his speech on the privatisation of government property services was interrupted by Labour 's Tam Dalyell , another Old Etonian baronet .
8 When his post at the ordnance was abolished in 1834 , Creevey 's luck held , with the auditorship of Greenwich Hospital , which he retained till his death .
9 MP for Okehampton ( January 1641 ) , he signed the Protestation ( May ) but was sent to the Tower for a week ( July ) when his seizure of the papers of Sir John Eliot [ q.v. ] thirteen years earlier was brought up .
10 FOOTBALL fans thought Lord Justice Taylor had done them a big favour when his report into the Hillsborough tragedy condemned the ill-thought ID card scheme to the dustbin of history .
11 So when his interest in the affair peters out and he 'd rather not bump into you at the photocopier on a daily basis , it 's you who 'll be left with a P45 and a broken heart .
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