Example sentences of "when they [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One answer to this could be that articulate Europeans , however much they differed , were formed by a common educational heritage and thought of themselves as Europeans when they looked at the rest of the world .
2 The men of Charlton must have cherished their independence , especially when they looked at the fate of the neighbouring village of Noke , which , it was said , was lost by Lily , duchess of Marlborough , at cards .
3 Bobsy actually drummed for The Beautiful South when they played at The Brit Awards some time ago , so do n't hold on to your ears pop kids .
4 He had been fifteen years her senior when they met at the church door but he had been slimmer then , fleet as a greyhound , a veritable Hector on the battlefield and a Paris in the bedchamber .
5 When they stood at the curb to cross the road her back ached for the support of his hand in its pit .
6 Not too shattered when they arrived at the cottage to propose a round of Trivial Pursuit .
7 When they arrived at the station there was a hired Daimler waiting , with a note on the windscreen .
8 The train journey lasted all day , and it was dark when they arrived at the station .
9 After a few minutes Dieter 's car overtook them ; when they arrived at the auberge , it was parked in the shadows a short distance away with two dim shapes close together in the front seats .
10 When they arrived at the gate , Nicky said , ‘ Please let me try to explain , Constance ’
11 When they arrived at the barn , he led her silently by the hand , through the living-room , and then up along the gallery to his bedroom .
12 When they arrived at the bridge , she got out and turned away .
13 When they arrived at the HQ of World Security in Freiburg the closed gates were opened for them immediately .
14 When they arrived at the college , it seemed even more forbidding than it had in daylight , and as she walked from the car towards the entrance , Loretta felt as though she were about to cross a threshold in time as well as space .
15 What was the true intention of the parties when they arrived at the agreement pleaded by the defendants in para. 5 of the amended defence ?
16 The forensic officer said it was unclear from examination how the Carnlough device would operate because the materials were in a ‘ disrupted ’ state when they arrived at the laboratory .
17 But when they arrived at the meeting it was Oldfield who was wearing Branson 's horn-rimmed spectacles , riffling papers in his briefcase and doing his best to look brisk and businesslike , while Branson gesticulated in a parody of artistic eccentricity .
18 He stopped crying when they arrived at the house .
19 When they arrived at the house , they saw a man whom they had good reason to suppose to be the assailant washing blood from himself .
20 When they arrived at the house , Jessamy grabbed hold of her bag , went straight into the house and headed for the drawing-room .
21 DICK Palmer ( left ) , chairman of the British Olympic Federation and Peter Knowles of Manchester 2000 are welcomed by North Ireland Sports Council chairman Don Allen and Joan McCloy when they arrived at the House of Sport for their presentation of the Manchester bid for the Olympic Games in 2000 .
22 He spoke only when they arrived at the car .
23 When they arrived at the manse , between twelve and one o'clock on the Saturday , the Reverend , according to Mrs MacAulay , had gone to the church distributing tokens — ; ‘ little pieces of tin , stamped with the name of the parish ’ .
24 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am well aware of the fact that for some years now you have cut yourself off from your past and not deigned to reply to the letters of your friends , or even to return their calls , taking refuge in your answering machine and pretending not to be in when they rang at the bell .
25 Many lecturers ( who are seldom trained educationalists ) do not realise the importance of this statement , and announce their topics only when they appear at the lectern .
26 All voiced sounds are likely to lose a certain amount of voicing when they occur at the end of a word or at the beginning .
27 For many weak-form words , when they occur at the end of a sentence .
28 In addition , employees with company mortgages may keep up to £1300 of the proceeds of the sale of their property when they move at the company 's request .
29 Subjects spent longer reading words when they occurred at the end of a clause or a sentence .
30 When they arrive at the centre they start the day with tea/toast and a chat .
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