Example sentences of "when they [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 True , bolder challenges to orthodoxy , especially when they touched upon the role played by the party , provoked fierce resistance .
2 ‘ The commission has consulted a lot of people but only listened to what they said when they agreed with the commission , ’ one source said .
3 The Wallabies knew there was high interest in Australia when they prepared for the semi-final and final matches .
4 A few decades later they became even more remote when they passed with the whole of Mesopotamia under the control of the Parthians .
5 How did the people here feel when they heard of the raid ?
6 Despite the darkness and unannounced approach , the raiding party found the Armstrong chiefs , Mangerton , Gilnockie , Whithaugh and the rest , awaiting their arrival at Langholm , their ‘ capital ’ , with some hundreds of their very tough riders assembled , a significant indication of their excellent information system in this wild Border country ; and when they heard of the descent on Dacre 's castle of Gilsland , they appeared to take it for granted that they would go along .
7 When they heard about the accident , the men looked for the brown envelope at once .
8 Within the next 18 months to two years , this will change as the first wave of line cards are installed that support ISDN directly , with the result that residential customers should get a more enthusiastic response when they enquire about the technology .
9 In addition , since the CAB did not succeed when they pressed for the extension of legal aid to cover representation at industrial tribunals , there simply is no other organisation able to take on this work .
10 He 's just got inside the house when they knocked on the door and asked to breath-test him .
11 Alternatively , he could always have chatted up one of the drivers of Middleton & Co. 's waggon , asking if there was a bit of spare room for an extra body when they left for the King 's Arms in Holborn on a Sunday evening or a Monday morning .
12 Is it your understanding then that the bill makes some acts of doctors lawful when they respond to the signing of a directive , but does n't make lawful what you did thinking it was perfectly good medical technique ?
13 The visit to the Brewery Company presented no problems , and they were in and out of the office within half an hour ; when they went into the chop-house on the stroke of twelve , they were the first customers .
14 However , when they went into the field to try him , he was vicious and unmanageable ; and reared up when anyone endeavoured to mount him .
15 When they went into the dining room , Stephen 's mother joined them .
16 Some 2,500 out of over 8,000 workers began taking the masks when they went into the forest to cut wood , collect honey or fish .
17 Eva tolerated them since they paid for Dad 's thoughts and therefore her dinner , but when they went into the bedroom to chant I heard her say to Dad , as she put on her yellow silk blouse for that brilliant evening , ‘ The future should n't contain too much of the past . ’
18 Everyone had gone except this boorish man and his sleazy dirty place , and the poor old decrepit cleaner , who did n't seem particularly dismayed at the sight that greeted their eyes when they went into the room where the reception had been held .
19 When they went into the room , Steiner was standing at the window gripping the bar and looking out .
20 When they went down the road the air was getting pleasant .
21 The Letter of 1027 reports that he visited Rome to pray for the redemption of his sins and the security of his subjects , and tells how he had negotiated with the pope a reduction in the sums paid by English archbishops when they went for the pallium .
22 Scum could nt beat them when they went to the Sty with the same negative defence .
23 Because everything was handmade , er all the holes in the er timbers , they had to be carefully er marked out so that y er when they went to the wood machines there was a er they would be bored in the right place , and the right size of holes .
24 It also included statements by the Palm Beach police detailing how they were misled when they went to the estate to speak with Senator Kennedy and Smith on March 31 .
25 It was extremely upsetting and the generously exposed support of the Honourable the Colonel Alexander Augustus Hope , M. P. , when they went to the site of Allan Bank was very warmly appreciated .
26 When they came into the light her mother saw the child 's face covered in blood and felt faint .
27 When they came to the river they stopped .
28 Against all the odds it has worked , and this is a measure of just how strong they both were as individuals when they came to the marriage ten years ago .
29 They made a dam on the stream , which was something they often did when they came to the spinney .
30 And when they came to the sea , so great was the press among them to get to the ships , that more than ten thousand died in the water .
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