Example sentences of "when he [be] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or a bed into the smallest bedroom ; — A man from British Telecom trying to use one of those stupid modern phone boxes that are just little booths exposed to the weather ideally when he 's ringing up for details of something and trying to write with one hand while trying to stop the piece of paper blowing away .
2 The way he was looking at it right at the end when he 's looking back at him and he
3 When he 's settling down for a sleep …
4 No he does n't say , Thee , when he might when he 's fooling about with you .
5 Oh , you were n't like that years ago though were you , when he was stopping out at bloody four o'clock in the morning I come round Joy , I 've come round
6 Quite apart from the blunder there was one moment near the end of the game when he was walking around on the stage of Sadler 's Wells , unaware for a few minutes that it was his move .
7 When he was working out of London she would join him .
8 When he was growing up in Dearborn there was a succession of sad-sack , embarrassing ( to a fan of Johnny Unitas ) , old-world relations with funny accents who were constantly belly-aching about the war and — of course — the dreadful death and displacement which had taken place .
9 He did not marry again until much later , when he was coming back to political life after the economic changes of 1962 , which made the shipping more important .
10 ‘ Back there in the lift earlier you did n't instantly and gallantly leap to my defence and punch Florian on the nose when he was carrying on about how undesirable I am ! ’
11 And there 's a story about the late Duke of Portland when he was travelling up to estate where his lodge was .
12 The beauty of it was that Campese could cause such a fearful commotion even when he was running on to nothing more appetising than set piece possession , either from the scrum or the line-out .
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