Example sentences of "said that [pers pn] had [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Others said that they had acted under orders .
2 In mid-January the police said that they had arrested under the Internal Security Act a sixth man allegedly involved in a plot to take Sabah out of the Malaysian federation ; he was named as Vincent Chung , group manager of a company controlled by the Sabah Foundation .
3 In Nairobi , Cynthia Osterman , of Care , said that she had heard by satellite telephone that four US vehicles were burned but no-one was injured .
4 In Nairobi , Cynthia Osterman , of Care , said that she had heard by satellite telephone that four US vehicles were burned but no-one was injured .
5 She said that she had walked past the quarry previously and had not been concerned about it .
6 She replied : ‘ Yes thank you , ’ although some reporters said that she had spoken in a ‘ soulful way ’ and appeared quite miserable .
7 On the day after the debate , Saturday , 19th February , ‘ Habitans in Sicco ’ wrote to The Times from what he called ‘ Broad Phylactery ’ , to ridicule the classical attitudes of the Opposition , and said that he had lived in a Broad Sanctuary house for three years and found that it possessed ‘ all the comforts and conveniences of any house in London ’ .
8 Hall no doubt attempted to justify his action , by referring to the meeting that he had with Lewis on 4th August , and although Palmerston said that he had checked with Lewis , there must have been some misunderstanding between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
9 It said that he had reneged on his monetarist beliefs ; that arrogance has been his undoing ; and that his policy lay in ruins .
10 A young Englishman , arms covered in tattoos , said that he had served in the Special Air Service , The Duke of Wellington 's Regiment and with the Parachute Regiment in the Falkland Islands .
11 A former member of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , Sgt. Felix Ndimene , said that he had served in a special forces unit which had carried out the massacre in September 1990 of 26 passengers in a Johannesburg-Soweto train [ see p. 37698 ] , an incident which had provoked weeks of violence in the Johannesburg region between ANC and Inkatha supporters .
12 ‘ And the old man said that he had talked about my grandfather many times and he said :
13 Then , at an after-dinner speech in the town hall of Stockholm , Eliot said that he had experienced on learning of the award , … all the normal emotions of exaltation and vanity … with enjoyment of the flattery , and exasperation at the inconvenience of being turned overnight into a public figure " .
14 Daum said that he had thought before Wednesday 's 4-1 defeat that it was possible to field four non-German players .
15 He said that he had outlined to the Chinese leadership Japan 's four-point overseas development aid policy , which linked aid to the recipient 's military spending , its arms imports and exports and its human rights situation .
16 Coming to the fifth question on the agenda — how can the development agencies contribute to the employment prospects of West Belfast residents both inside and outside of the area ? — one contributor said that he had spoken to marketing people from the IDB and that they had no interest in West Belfast .
17 Kinga , himself a southerner , said that he had resigned in protest at the government 's intention to " Islamicize " the south and also at the " persecution " of " hundreds of thousands of displaced southerners " in the region around Khartoum .
18 He said that he had taken into account the views of local authorities put to him since he met them last year , he might have taken in to account of course , we did n't accept any of the er er observations .
19 But The Sun thought that ‘ the meeting was a bogus one , if it was held at all ’ , further alleging that this clandestine organisation ( which said that it had met in secrecy because it feared Hooligan reprisals ) was a put-up job by someone in the pay of The Daily Telegraph .
20 The environmental pressure group Glasgow For People said that it had called on MPs to urge Strathclyde to cancel its plans for Glasgow road projects costing more than £200 million .
21 The association said that it had heard of several cases in which EHOs had ordered unacceptable action from wine and drinks wholesalers under the 1990 Food Safety Act .
22 R150 ] , said that it had resulted from " no known cause " .
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