Example sentences of "said [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Initially , the plans said no-one with a disposable income of more than £42 per week would get advice and assistance .
2 Mr Noyes will claim the MoD said nothing about the alleged landing because it wanted to save any embarrassment .
3 Carr drove home fundamental points , but said nothing about the actual working practices of historians , and , in his inspirational advocacy of a new kind of socialist history , left students with the impression that the solid , source-based stuff which formed their staple diet might as well be cast into the dustbin .
4 Police were searching for the missing bicycle , but the announcer said nothing about the missing hair .
5 She said nothing for a long time , then shook her head .
6 Stephen Leach , 35 , of no fixed abode , said nothing during the brief hearing before Liverpool magistrates .
7 He said nothing of the Soviet plan .
8 ‘ Too good for 'em , torture 'em first , ’ said someone with an unhealthy imagination .
9 to have her hair done , she brings her boy friend with her and , another neighbour always drops in to have a chat with his wife on a Friday evening , she stops about an hour , then his son brings his girl friend , so he said its like a mad house
10 I said somebody like a middle-aged woman would be best who 's got grown up children at work
11 Celia said something about a bone-marrow transplant , but that was weeks ago .
12 Back at the office you said something about a secret project .
13 ‘ I had this anonymous tip-off about a man answering your description , the caller said something about a missing member of the aristocracy , so I 've been keeping an eye on things . ’
14 I said something about the political climate in the Argentine having changed since the Falklands War .
15 ‘ When you said something about the real tragedy for anyone facing a handicap is when expected support is withdrawn , then yesterday at your flat I realised that you thought I 'd walked out on Jennifer when I discovered she had MS .
16 Ward must have been thinking along the same lines , for as the road flattened out and the mist began to glimmer with a strange brightness , he said something about the Promised Land .
17 He said something about an insolent pup . ’
18 Her mother said something in a low voice , which she did n't catch .
19 The magician turned , stared at the cat and said something in a strange language .
20 — The hon. Member for Renfrew , West and Inverclyde said something from a sedentary position which I did not catch .
21 He said anyone in the infected zone was severely restricted on the movement of pigs regardless of whether their animals had the disease .
22 He said anyone in the infected zone was severely restricted on the movement of pigs regardless of whether their animals had the disease .
23 He said it with a faint smile .
24 She said it with a sly smile ; he had n't mentioned any of his own stay-behind training .
25 He said it with a heavy emphasis which brought them all close to tears but the mood was soon scattered by all the joyful preparations Rose had planned .
26 Once he said it to the answering service .
27 ‘ We can but of course it wo n't be as easy for us to get away once Maggie is gone , ’ she said it in a pleasant way that sometimes humoured him and sometimes could put his teeth on edge .
28 The next time she said , ‘ Give me some chicken , ’ she said it in the vacant lot behind the Commercial Hotel , and it was a different kind of chicken altogether .
29 ‘ I said it like a final-year architecture student , did n't I ? ’
30 They none of them said anything for a long time .
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