Example sentences of "one of the [noun] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 A domino game was cut short when one of the players clawed his jacket to shreds trying to ward off the spiders .
2 The next thing he knew — by this time he would have the undivided attention of the entire bar — one of the Americans tore his fur hat off and screamed , ‘ OK , craphead , where is he ? ’ while one of the bobbies reached into the open back seat and pulled out an attaché case that he had to spend an hour telling them he had never seen before .
3 One of five officers was kicked unconscious and another had his nose broken after one of the prisoner slipped his handcuffs to lead the assault .
4 One of the casualties punctured his skin with a syringe previously containing snake venom , which is often used in the treatment of arthritics .
5 Then he saw one of the boys turn his back on the man he seemed to be dancing with , hook his fingers in the skimpy underpants , wriggle them down to reveal his bottom and then wiggle the bottom until it shook like a jelly .
6 Just as we scrambled out of the ditch again , one of the woodchucks dropping his black rifle and barely managing to grab the sling as it slid back into the foul water , a straggler from the malai patrol crossed the road a hundred and fifty metres away , looked to his left and saw us .
7 As Mungo weighed the dilemma , a white shoebox on one of the shelves caught his eye .
8 Richardson was injured when one of the thugs slashed his ear with a machete , but returned to duty the following day when Dry re-opened .
9 One of the ranks put his hand up .
10 As a result , one of the committee lost his temper and told Filmer he was the scum of the earth and no one in racing would sleep well until he was warned off which was the number one priority of the world 's racing authorities . ’
11 Towards the end of field-work a constable newly transferred to the Neighbourhood Unit from one of the sections expressed his difficulties in adjusting to the new round of duties , stating that it was more difficult to pass the time because nothing seemed to happen ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 16 ) : establishing informal contact with the public was not yet itself seen as doing police work and boredom was unappealing .
12 He paused by one of the radiators to warm his hands before approaching the doors that led into the infirmary .
13 One of the bullets struck his forearm and he cried out , dropping the rifle which clattered noisily on to the concrete floor below .
14 The University decreed zero hope for recovery for Arthur , though they tried everything they could , and one of the personnel devoted his whole life to Arthur during the six months he was hospitalised there .
15 Five hundred years ago , during the Reformation , one of the leaders expressed his joy in being on God 's side with the phrase :
16 One of the students banged his fist loudly on the partition separating them from the driver .
17 One of the dads popped his head through the doorway .
18 He was only apprehended after giving one of the detectives searching his home a hefty kick up the backside !
19 One of the men voiced his somewhat belated fear and it was immediately taken up by others .
20 One of the men had his fly open and his dick out .
21 When one of the children asks his mam for some coffee she says , " We ca n't afford coffee any more , son . "
22 A Titford family photograph taken in the early 1890s shows husband and wife with five daughters and young Marwood , the girls in neat smocks or severe black dresses , the son in an Eton collar , and every one of the group looking his or her most miserable Sunday best Those photographers who made a speciality of enticing young ladies to say ‘ prunes ’ and ‘ prisms ’ to bring out their charming dimples , called ‘ watch the birdie ! ’ with much gusto or tried ‘ cheese ! ’ in the hope of a smile would have had a rough time indeed with severe-looking Benjamin James and his wife and children .
23 One of the group makes his own wine , and in the summer they sit out late into the night , drinking the wine and talking .
24 One of the Tans raised his rifle , and Owen closed his eyes , cringing away from the blow .
25 One of the trolls tapped his colleague on the shoulder , producing a noise like two pebbles being knocked together .
26 And one of the servants takes his one talent and he uses it and he works very hard with it and he buys erm raw goods and he makes things and he he a makes his one talent up into ten .
27 The chairman of the council was one of the victims losing his seat to the Liberal Democrats .
28 The second policeman managed to get a shot off in panic , but before he could take aim properly , one of the skinheads smashed his shoulder with a baseball bat and knocked him down the aisle steps .
29 As he neared the garage , one of the dogs grabbed his foot and dragged his leg under the door .
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