Example sentences of "i have just [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By nine , the playroom was like something censored out of Gremlins , and I spent most of the morning as a cross between Mummy Bear and Mister Wolf I 'd just been pinned to the floor , it was like an insane asylum in Lilliput , when buti Sikita beckoned me to the phone .
2 I 'd just been talking to the guard , twelve hour shifts , sixty hours a week and he ca n't even have any time off for tea breaks or meal breaks .
3 The divi was very important which is why I , as a Guild 's woman erm through I suppose the memories of mother , was so adamant in against the dividend stamps because to us , that woman who I 'd just been talking about , Councillor Mrs always , I 'm sure no one would mind me saying it , but she always used to tell us that it was her thrift and she saved and they brought their house through this , the Co-op you see .
4 I had just been reading in the Daily Minute about the string of beatings and manslaughters in Rosalind Court : the night before last a Jap computer expert and a German dentist had been found in a parking lot with their faces stomped off .
5 Leonard Cheshire and I were pilot officers together in No 4 Group at the beginning of the war ; he came from the dreaming spires of Oxford and I had just been commissioned as a pilot officer after serving a stint of five years as a sergeant pilot .
6 When you and Chantal arrived at that accommodation agency I had just been talking to the proprietor .
7 I had just been talking with Jenny about her family , yourself and Mrs Connon , that same Saturday night . ’
8 Questioned about why she had not sought help immediately after the alleged attack , she said : ‘ I had just been raped by a policeman , and I did not trust no police after that . ’
9 Well , but I 've just been conversing with ghosts myself .
10 I 've just been looking at the end-May figures and notice we 're just about holding our own on the Gesamt .
11 I 've just been hearing about Pat 's epic poem about the ‘ other side ’ , ’ said Alison .
12 By the way , I 've just been glancing through my fixture list , and it seems to me that the real test of our recent good form will come in December/early January .
13 I 've , I 've just been dealing with that in a booklet .
14 Then that particular Saturday , Leith 's outgoing if slightly irresponsible brother had come to tell her excitedly , ‘ I 've just been chatting to Rosemary Green ! ’
15 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
16 I 've just been thinking about you . "
17 ‘ By the way , I 've just been listening to the news .
18 Oh I 've just been listening to your conversation with Dennis and Iris .
19 took the first call , but I 've just been speaking to him , and you 'd better have the full picture . ’
20 I 've just been speaking to my sister .
21 I 've just been speaking to Drewer , ’ rapped Naylor .
22 like I 've just said , I 've just been speaking for a whole lesson , my voice is just I 've got to talk to you to explain what we 're doing , so let's quietly
23 I 've just been shopping with Maggie this morning .
24 That 's a sprinter 's example , but it 's the same for any athletic performance , as I 've just been reminded by watching the astonishing improvement of Ray Davidson in these past few years .
25 I sang down the Bottom Club , so when I went down the next week the manager said I 've just been waiting for you , I 've been waiting for you to come in he said so he said , look the group ca n't come he said , will you sing ?
26 It 's a letter from the Executive Services Officer that states , rule six , which is the one I 've just been talking about on the previous motion , is quite clear in saying that only individual members can pursue appeals and not a branch .
27 I 've just been talking to your aunt on the phone .
28 I 've just been talking to Captain Montgomery .
29 I 've just been talking to Mrs Flaherty , ’ she said .
30 Erm I I 've just been talking to me husband about it .
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