Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] a [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 I rarely saw a lesson in which the students had not gone to some considerable length to vary their material and their activities to take account of the level of the class , the length of the lesson and the time of day or week .
2 that we had that like a little sitting room , I just had a settee in there and a couple of chairs , it was lovely and cosy in there
3 One thing you should remember : when he says , ‘ I just made a hole in one , ’ do n't say , ‘ I did n't see you .
4 I just spent a week in Iraq and they used one photo with no other stories playing .
5 I just wanted a religion in which gender was not of significance .
6 Erm chairman could I just ask a question in relation to that ?
7 I once heard a sermon in which the preacher defended atomic weapons on the ground that Satan would never use them because it would hasten his own destruction !
8 I once had a week in a boarding-house called St Monica 's , ’ he said .
9 I once asked a colleague in linguistics if this meant that the criticism of , oh , Addison , Keats , Hopkins , Forster , was valueless .
10 And it was not Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery who once stated that : ‘ I once saw a bowler in Australia thunder to the wicket and bowl a flatout underarm to the batsman .
11 I once visited a pensioner in my village and mentioned that I occasionally like jam but never make it myself because I do not eat it often enough .
12 I once did a crossword in which all of the clues were susceptible of two quite different solutions .
13 I once read a case in the newspaper about a man who jumped in front of an Underground train .
14 There were sometimes dangerous people near Haworth , so I always had a gun in the house .
15 I always take a turn in the restaurant to see there are no complaints .
16 I always keep a bottle in my desk drawer , but this character was putting it away on an industrial scale .
17 I still had a stone in my hand , and the moment the bobby turned into the alley I threw this stone up the other end .
18 I knew I 'd win because after the semi-final , I still had a lot in my tank . ’
19 I still have a foothold in Baldersdale , which is not widely known .
20 I hardly missed a game in eight years , and , to be honest , on one or two occasions it got boring .
21 I usually estimate a fall in body temperature in these circumstances of about one-and-a-half degrees Fahrenheit an hour .
22 I usually dig a hole in my back garden and bury it .
23 It was a small , stuffy room , and yet I distinctly felt a chill in the air , like a draught , and I knew that it must be coming from that other world my uncle had told me about , and that the threshold to it was somewhere very close at hand .
24 I also began a campaign in the press and elsewhere against the lily-livered Scottish Rugby Union .
25 I also have a flat in Belgravia in London , and , when I 'm spending my working week at Silver Star Navigation , I occasionally sleep there if I have a late dinner appointment .
26 I nearly had a fight in school !
27 It was felt by some members , the secretary told me , that as I now had a residence in Edinburgh , I ought to become a fully paid-up member .
28 I even knew a chap in hospital once who was more concerned about his totally symptomless brain tumour than about the lobar pneumonia from which he was cheerfully recovering .
29 Mr Hallam said : ‘ I then felt a kick in the face .
30 At lunch time Derek and I almost caused a riot in the dining hall , because between us we could obviously only sit at two tables at once and every table wanted us to sit with them .
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