Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After another series of battles with the employment exchange , the Royal National Institute for the Blind and various principals of local technical colleges , I eventually got myself onto a TOPS typing course at a college in south-west London .
2 Sean recalled : ‘ I suddenly found myself on the same side as the shark and got out of the water as fast as I could .
3 At the age of 30 , I suddenly found myself at a turning point in my life .
4 There was no yardage chart in those days , but I worked out very quickly that Arnold was two clubs stronger than me , so I just put myself in the same situation and added on two clubs .
5 ‘ And I just found myself in the right place at the right time ! ’
6 Yet the magical city had not yet finished with me , for I somehow found myself in a dark little wood-panelled bar , with a cosy snug in the rear , and a counter near the door left over from the pub 's grocery-bar days at the turn of the century .
7 I soon found myself at the Gasthof Lôwen in the little village of Sasbach .
8 The Mexican atmosphere was contagious and I soon found myself on a crowded coach bound for Mexico .
9 I always saw myself as a creator of space for particular needs , and I found the best ideas which fitted in with that need and that slot and I then encouraged and challenged and stimulated and created the space for that production team to make that programme in the best possible way .
10 I always position myself on the side in which the rabbits hit the net .
11 I always take myself as a starting point when it comes to songs , going on to explore situations in a manner that is very sound-oriented , ’ she says , rather vaguely .
12 I totally lost myself in the remoteness .
13 I also remind myself of the effect upon the plaintiff 's fathers career , of his decision to give up work in order to attend the plaintiff .
14 Shall I now wrap myself in the duvet and slip into the shower for a misty out-of-focus silhouette ? ’
15 It is a source of some sadness to me that I now find myself on the other side of the fence from Samuel Brittan in the debate on managed and fixed currencies .
16 I often find myself in the middle , accused of reaction by both parties .
17 I was usually summoned by telephone and invited round to Downing Street at 8 p.m. , when Wilson would be alone in the Cabinet room , which he preferred to any office or study , and where , sitting at the long Cabinet table , I often found myself in the seat normally occupied by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and enjoyed moments of brief delusional glory !
18 I simply forgot myself for a moment , that 's all , ’ she said stiffly .
19 The normal processes of consultation took place , and after one or two false alarms , during which I kidded myself that I was perfectly all right , I ultimately found myself in the regulation NHS nightshirt , sitting amidst expectant mothers , in the gynaecology section of the Royal Hampshire County Hospital , waiting to sample the wonders of the ultra-scan .
20 It was 15 years before I again strapped myself into a microlight — and that was only after acquiring a full Group A licence .
21 Most extraordinary thing : as wife shoves high-chair into car 's rear suspension and I quietly herniate myself on a couple of bags filled with Devon mud and light aggregate thieved from local quarry by children , strange sense of loss creeps over me .
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