Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] [verb] [Wh det] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I knew he was already dead but I just wanted to do what I could . ’
2 ‘ I do n't know if I want to or not , I just want to know what I 'm supposed to be doing there . ’
3 I was beginning to realise that I would never actually be a man and I already had experienced what I probably wanted more than anything else — the power men have in society .
4 I always like to see what I 'm buyin' . ’
5 I now begin to see what I am , not clearly yet , but more clearly each day .
6 He says : ‘ I simply tried to do what I observed in my career in the straight theatre with some of the finest directors , particularly Peter Brook .
7 I therefore decided to abandon what I had planned , because I felt that Faber 's too , despite their initial keenness , would now want another sort of book , if they wanted one at all .
8 I never fail to get what I want , ’ he said with unnervingly quiet confidence .
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