Example sentences of "i [modal v] [verb] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the time has come to admit that in my efforts to explain this one valid point I may have misled the reader in other ways .
2 But I feel I should return just a moment to the matter of my father ; for it strikes me I may have given the impression earlier that I treated him rather bluntly over his declining abilities .
3 In distinguishing between ( a ) and ( b ) I may have given the impression of wishing to maintain a strict distinction between space and time as against the physical space-time .
4 I may have abused the trust Dr Kingdom placed in me . ’
5 Raymond is n't fond of Jewish cooking and I may have lost the knack .
6 I may have got the idea from him in the first place , but that 's all .
7 by then I may have sold the house and , I mean , as soon as I sell the house
8 A little too sweet , and I may have overdone the spice .
9 I supposed that I ought to have brought the Ghost down too , but the priority had been to save myself from what seemed like imminent electrocution .
10 I must have accepted the prospect of this baby with a vengeance , if I were seriously thinking of knitting as a desirable occupation .
11 But I must have felt the need for some support , because I found I 'd grabbed hold of one of my hammers — a geologist is always armed with a hammer — and when I got through to the back of the house he was there already , at the kitchen window . ’
12 I must have left the garage door open .
13 I think I must have known the truth about myself , in some deep part of my mind , when I first read those few pages of your book in my master 's study .
14 I must have underestimated the benefit of my practice with the neighbour 's cat , since my attempt seemed to sail on and on before it thudded to the ground .
15 I should 've painted the picture
16 I shot the sheriff but I should 've shot the deputy
17 Given a set of circumstances — and of course more height — I might have completed a turn onto an adjacent runway , but from low down and with a suitable field ahead I should have treated the reduction as an engine failure , and made an early decision to land .
18 With hindsight , I know I should have seen the warning signals in the man himself , which I missed through inexperience , but the result was that a cloud of depression , a sense of failure , settled over me , and also over the whole team .
19 From his next communication I should have heard the warning note :
20 ‘ I know I should have raised the alarm then and there .
21 If you had not so stupidly bade me keep quiet , I should have done the trick long since , and you would not have had to leave the place at all .
22 With such scenes as these continually around me , is it surprising that I should have entertained the idea of collecting examples of the indigenous Mammals of a country whose ornithological productions I had gone out expressly to investigate ? … ’
23 Whenever he was out he set himself the task ‘ to study how and why until I discovered how I should have played the ball that beat me ’ .
24 I should have realized the folly of my timing .
25 I should have killed the bastard , ’ Sharpe growled .
26 I should have made the connection sooner , given that the company was called Airborne Plc , but nobody 's perfect .
27 I should have turned the tape recorder off for that should n't I !
28 Until recently I should have rejected the premise that my earliest years represented some sort of attack upon my individuality and insisted that , on the contrary , I was surrounded with kindness and loving care — as indeed I was .
29 ‘ Maybe I should have joined the force like you .
30 I should have seized the opportunity and said to Una Stubbs , ‘ Here 's your next title , A Farewell to Arms . ’
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