Example sentences of "i [be] on [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Besides , I want to protect the remains of my privacy ; I do n't want to appear cold-hearted or stubborn ; but I know that when I try to make my life give me its answers to how I have come to my current concerns , I ca n't do it without feeling that I am on the edge of a dangerous fiction of self-description .
2 I am on the side of the one who 's going to be killed . ’
3 I am on the side of the angels — that 's what you wanted to be reassured about ? ’
4 " Well , I 'm not a detective , but I am on the side of the law .
5 I 'm on a kind of educational visit . ’
6 I 'm on the majority of this tape .
7 While I 'm on the subject of secrecy , it is true to say that many politicians , sometimes justifiably , are paranoid about the subject .
8 And , while I 'm on the subject of fighting off unwanted intruders , ’ he added , the hard planes of his face tightening as he gazed down at her , ‘ I 'm not prepared to allow that man Dunton to mess around with my wife any longer !
9 I 'm on the verge of it myself but ca n't decide whether to get fat and have a merry , unlined face , or be thin with a face like a fossilized Capuchin .
10 I 'm on the verge of being one meself , child , if I had the name of that person who gave Lizzy the drugs I 'd scalp the face off them . ’
11 I 'm on the side of Law and Order , ’ Jimmy chipped .
12 ‘ there are moments when I feel I 'm on the frontier of something and I must twist language in some way to pass the frontier ’ ( Brooke-Rose 1990e:31 )
13 ‘ It 's a great comfort to me , knowing that I 'm on the end of a phone , should either of my children be taken ill , ’ says Elaine , 34 , a part-time marketing consultant and mother of two girls under four .
14 ‘ Yes , I 'm on the list of the orthopaedic hospital . ’
15 ‘ Dear Thomas and I were on the point of announcing our engagement .
16 I was on a kind of … half-throttle , emotionally .
17 I was on a tour of Europe .
18 I advised the Labour Party over such things as the Vassall inquiry and , together with my friend Dennis Lloyd , I was on a number of committees and investigations to recommend changes in the law — particularly land law ( the working party on land nationalisation ) and the law of landlord and tenant — which were being prepared by the Labour Party for their future use .
19 Paul was invited to give a series of public lectures at the school , and word got around that I was on the verge of retirement and Paul would be happy to take my place .
20 It looked as if we had painted ourselves into a corner and I was on the verge of giving up and going home when Jake trundled up with his totter 's cart and his little skewbald pony .
21 He said : ‘ I was on the verge of the England squad with Norwich and played for the Under-21 side a few times .
22 I was on the verge of asking her to marry me .
23 When he came in he saw I was on the verge of tears and said , " What 's wrong ? "
24 In a flash of over stimulated temper , I was on the verge of silencing Gharr 's laughter with one of my mini-weapons .
25 Suddenly , I was on the top of one wave as she came thundering over the next .
26 I was on the inside of Christian faith , yet in my mind I was also on the outside looking in .
27 I was on the back of the motorbike on some shots , ’ said camera operator Rick Gauld .
28 Yes and I was on the committee of the lifeboat .
29 Apparently I was on the edge of the crater and the main blast had gone over me .
30 I was on the edge of my seat for most of the time but nobody could deny we deserved this result . ’
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