Example sentences of "i [adv] [vb past] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Yet the clutch of Highers and then the Ordinary MA with which I eventually emerged turned out to be a pretty useful preparation for a life in journalism .
2 Just a quick post-script to my last message about tickets for the Sheff Wed game — I just managed to get through to the ticket office , and they said that all postal applications were sent back yesterday with a letter telling you that it 's been postponed , and to re-apply if you still want tickets .
3 Mhm , when I started in here er I just got put up to work beside one of the women , she just showed me ,
4 I just got to get out to where it 's light .
5 I mean effectively , I always wanted to go back to the middle ages er , with , with the history books of English society .
6 Before we had we bought a house and so I really had to come back to work because we needed my wages and erm the creche was just being brought out so I knew there was a chance of coming back .
7 Then I realised this was unusual for an owl , because in the wild they tend to swallow their prey whole , so I simply stopped holding on to the chick and soon she was gobbling it up in one .
8 ‘ What he can do , I can do ’ I thought , and I again began to venture out to our local small cinema on my evening off .
9 Couple of chaps at the school got booted out for that stuff and I never did get round to it . ’
10 ‘ Only because I realised I never did get around to telling you that you are , without question , the most insolent , wilful , egocentric human being I 've ever met ! ’
11 One evening I reluctantly agreed to go back to school and attempt to teach him the solo .
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