Example sentences of "i [adv] [vb past] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I was fifteen I was sitting at home and my dad was crashed out in the chair , my dad 's a Fords worker , and the Miss World beauty contest came on the television and I just felt really overwhelmed by this vision .
2 I just sat there looking at her and waiting .
3 I just sat there staring at the bag as it unscrewed itself and the wind took it and blew it up into the air and away .
4 I just stayed there listening to people moving around upstairs .
5 I just stood there thinking of Oliver .
6 He was so big and strong that I always felt hopelessly trapped in that chair with his bulk over me and the wheel grinding and the pedal thumping .
7 I probably committed more fouls in that game than I have throughout my entire career — I was that determined to do well . ’
8 I now wanted desperately to belong to the Christian church in general ( which to me , from my Free Church background , was what baptism implied ) while not able to belong specifically to the Anglican Church ( which was what confirmation implied ) so long as that church discriminated against women .
9 It was a painful and upsetting divorce and I often felt completely swamped by guilt at having left my children .
10 I simply wanted just to intervene at this point Moderator er there , before we get into a debate on section four , just to remind the assembly that we have a heavy volume of business still ahead of us this afternoon .
11 They offer very scant opportunity for children to express themselves in creative and cultural activities , while retaining a relatively generous allocation for physical education ( a subject which in all my years as an inspector and teacher trainer I never saw convincingly taught outside college teaching practice ) .
12 I never did much care for it ’ .
13 I never did much care for it ’ .
14 I do n't really know why I always went unless it was to remind myself that I too had once come from some other world than the one in which I lived .
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