Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as I had complaints , I asked for detailed statistical material to be provided .
2 A trawl I made through three small-ad market place papers yielded around four pages of diesel cars per 300–400 page issue .
3 I mean with all that stuff about little coteries , and cosy dinner-parties , and so on … ’
4 Cos he 's bound , I mean with all that mud and everything , I mean there 's lots of sheep droppings and god knows what up there is n't there ?
5 Yeah well I mean with all this noise and that you do n't feel like doing much do you ?
6 But I mean as any adoptive parent here will tell you , the strains when you adopt a child , or adopt children , very disturbed children are much worse !
7 That 's what I mean about this bloody thing , that it does n't it straighten it .
8 I mean that 's what I mean about this hundred days , we 've been at war , and I think the job of the press , I mean is not
9 I mean at the moment , I mean from that one week
10 When you 're working and you 're busy and you 've got to do it I mean like this last week because of playing golf mainly , and putting weedkiller down , the grass is this high and
11 I mean after all these years here I mean you ca n't well that 's
12 I intend for fifteen twenty minutes or so , not to get into the issues of policy because you 've all got your own particular interests in that particular field and maybe that will come out during the course of the question and answer session .
13 For over a decade I lived with this new knowledge and with the ethical dilemma surrounding my own pursuit of insider research .
14 ‘ May I ask , ’ he said , ‘ how you have done so well , since you and I met on those lonely marshes ? ’
15 I agreed to both these things and carefully picked up two of his officers in my hands .
16 Mario and I agreed during that long flight that part of the trouble had to be media coverage .
17 I sit in two different capacities .
18 I agree it 's not the way I planned in those remote days when I imagined one could keep to plans .
19 And then I got into this whole thing about what I call the invisible descender theory , which is a joke in my studio but it 's been going on for , you know , nearly twenty years so it 's become a law .
20 I got into this tragical area of experience , but I feel as if I 'm coming out of it now , ’ said Jo-Ann .
21 I started sending out a ‘ ten , thirty — three ’ , the Citizen Band S.O.S. , on channel 1 but I knew that by the time I got through all 40 channels , Danny 's truck would be on the Motorway and we would lose it .
22 Anyway , I got through this tricky interval , and even the sea co-operated for once , coming in just after the explosion and sweeping away any tell-tale tracks I might have left an hour or more before Diggs arrived from the village to inspect the scene .
23 So then next week oh she said , I got in bloody deep water last week
24 And erm they 're loyal to the society because it , they know really it 's partly through them supporting the Guilds that we are able erm I do n't know whether I would get the membership there if you 've got , you see we pay a subscription to , see it costs five Pound a year at the moment to be , to be a member of the Womens ' Guild , which we , we send dues as I say to these three sections you see .
25 I say to this little voice — thank you for your opinion , go back to your room . ’
26 So I say to this German girl , ‘ Here , you take the camera .
27 But I say for most ordinary people who play it , it 's a pastime .
28 There is a need for , and I say with all due respect , an unbiased er , piece of advice from people who ha , do n't have an axe to grind in terms of specific subjects because some children er in my opinion are sometimes lead down wrong avenues
29 Why am I applying for this particular job ?
30 I apologise for any temporary loss
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