Example sentences of "i [verb] [conj] [noun prp] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But again it 's slightly different because their having what I can gather , I mean cos John 's not discussed it very much and he 's very much involved in
2 It was really weird erm Si was saying about , and he was going oh it , it 's gon na be really odd in the summer term to see how Luke reacts when , I mean cos Andy 's not there at cricket
3 It was only now that I realized that Lineker was n't Arabic for goal !
4 Forgive the typed letter — bit impersonal , but I am trying to get to speedy grips with the little apple laptop powerbook 100 which I got when George was home — heaven alone knows how I would have done without it in the last few weeks .
5 ‘ Am I to infer that Laurie is n't your lover ? ’ he went on in patent disbelief .
6 I mentioned that Jesus was sometimes called the Lamb of God .
7 Prompted by his remark , I recalled that Byron was now in exile .
8 Although I consider that at the relevant time Lautro 's Rules , and thus its procedure , were defective in the respects I have outlined , for the reasons I have given I conclude that Lautro were not required by law to afford to Winchester the opportunity to make representations as to why an intervention notice should not be served before deciding whether or not to serve such a notice .
9 I noticed that Fielding was also staring expectantly at me .
10 I noticed that Lizzie was more ‘ laid back ’ with her than with her first daughter , lending her out on many occasions to Kim and Annie , females who , as yet , have n't become mothers themselves .
11 I noticed that Rickie was n't eating today , ’ I said , ‘ but Robin-Anne was ? ’
12 I hope that Marjorie is not just amusing herself with these children .
13 I predict that Frome is really going to make The Burleigh School talked about ! ’
14 I hear that Rutherford is now plotting his revenge .
15 " I know how you came by your money , Harry Pascoe , and I know that Sam was only in with you because you gave him no alternative .
16 I ca n't revise when I know that Geoff 's in .
17 but I do n't see the real relevance and I think one of the reasons that erm I mean I , I hear it and I know that Freud was very critical of religion and I , I , I think for some very good reasons ,
18 As Gandhi says : ‘ I am endeavouring to see God through the service of humanity , for I know that God is neither in heaven nor down below , but in every one . ’
19 Now that I know that George was not his father I can better understand why they always clashed .
20 I know that Ann was rather keen to cover the cost of both these aspects from our revenue account .
21 I know that Coventry is nowhere near Calderdale , but let us see what the hon. Gentleman can do .
22 Living as he was on the borders of his lost paradise , in the limitless landscape of childhood from which he had been banished into adulthood , an uncomfortable country , I sensed that Jean-Claude was continually grappling with the feeling that his present was a poor reflection of his past .
23 Erm , I understand that Samantha is actually outside at the moment waiting to meet Sir Leonard So er would
24 I believe that Taylor is still leaving the door open for Gazza to play some part against Norway in the opening World Cup tie at Wembley on October 14 — providing he comes through the ordeal of an Italian League baptism .
25 I believe that Frank is too autocratic , too opinionated — especially about relay selections , which have been the main bone of contention between us down the years .
26 I believe that Wales is much better placed to ride out the worldwide recession than it has been and I can give the hon. Gentleman this pledge : I and my ministerial colleagues will continue to do everything that we can to attract investment to Wales .
27 He added : ‘ It 's going to be tough , but I believe that BNFL is extremely well placed and superbly led by Neville Chamberlain .
28 Please , do n't get me wrong , I am not condoning Welsh ( or any other team 's ) dirty play , nor am I saying that England are notoriously bad for it .
29 I felt that GMTV was n't quite for me . ’
30 I therefore decided to abandon what I had planned , because I felt that Faber 's too , despite their initial keenness , would now want another sort of book , if they wanted one at all .
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