Example sentences of "i [verb] [conj] er it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Cos it was due to sail on the same day , on the Sunday , you know what I mean and er it was these locks as I 'm telling you about and her a very , very famous firm and er my correspondence come from London because he had offices was there , you know and erm our erm I 've been at the service as I , if I might say so , but in most people it 's surprising how it get 's round and er the jobs that I 've had to do .
2 Fair do , I know but er it 's up to them what they do with their money I know but mm .
3 Not particularly but I understand that er it is , you now have the whole of China which small areas erm relatively small areas , you 've now got the whole thing , I mean if you start initiating very radical reforms , as you say you do n't have the personnel or the resources to erm to prevent a , you know , a big change disruption .
4 I think that er it is probably a very useful thing if you can tolerate it .
5 Oh it 's obvious that safety 's involved , I think that er it 's also er road use because er if people take a long time er going forwards and back trying to get into a space to park because they do n't have the basic skills to enable them to do it , then it 's frustrating for other motorists , and obviously accidents can be caused .
6 No , I , I wondered because er it was quite an honour to have your name
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