Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] got [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well I c I I 've seen so many things over the year I just do n't believe it until I actually see it and th literally four weeks ago , I 'd just got back from Germany , went on a meeting the following morning and it 's that gentleman there , Steve , and h he 's got some pictures in his pocket which will prove exactly what we 're talking about .
2 That was er I 'd just got back from work .
3 And I 'd just got in at about oh half three .
4 The following morning , I 'd just got out of bed when he started barking to get out .
5 I 'd just got out of bed — I was half asleep , ’ she tried , without much conviction .
6 I made sure I looked as if I 'd just got out of bed and dressed in a hurry — hence no socks and the sweatshirt — and went down to front garden to wave them in .
7 And the reason why they were shoved under the bed was because I had n't got round to sort of you know , doing anything about it sort of thing .
8 Alright it was your I wished I had n't got there to be quite honest but cold as that
9 Well I had n't got down to the R yet I had n't reached
10 I had just got up from my chair when the crash happened .
11 I had just got out of bed and was reaching for my dressing gown when an explosion shook the house .
12 you were n't in and I could n't , I could n't find telephone number to give him a ring , I 've just got , I 've just got through to Directory Enquiries , got the number , just gon na dial it and gran says Annette 's home .
13 I 've just got off on the wrong foot with Harcourt .
14 She shakes me gently by the hand and announces quietly , ‘ I 've just got out of the bath . ’
15 I 've just got back to England .
16 ‘ I 'm sorry , I think I 've rather got out of the habit of talking to people . ’
17 All I 've ever got out of it are a few funny smells and the tap-tap of my father 's stick .
18 I 'm ever so disappointed that I 've not been to Yugoslavia , I wanted to go to Dubrovnik , you know , it 's been on the sort of list but I 've never got round to it .
19 I put on a stone after a recent holiday and I have n't got round to getting it off .
20 I do n't I mean I know I I 'm very busy , I 've got stuff that I should have done , months and months ago , that I have n't got round to doing yet , cos there 's been all sort of interruptions .
21 . The other ideal , which I have n't got round to doing would be to try and appoint somebody on a short term basis .
22 I have n't got round to it yet .
23 I have n't got round to videoing today cos I was out teaching this afternoon .
24 Because I have n't got round to doing it yet .
25 There 's a little spin-dryer too , but I have n't got around to using that either .
26 Anyway , it was nice to hear from you , although I have n't got around to responding until now .
27 I have n't got around to it yet , Fred .
28 No I have n't got back to the strings .
29 I have not got back to my normal working routine , quite honestly .
30 The other vineyards were all wiped out in the phylloxera epidemic of the last century and never replanted ; but lonely though it is on the local wine lists , Irouléguy will do nicely ; I have never got much beyond the stage of dividing wines into nice and nasty when it comes to describing them , so all I shall say is that Irouléguy is nice .
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