Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] [adv] [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 I sit there quietly revising my priorities as far as expending grief goes .
2 I was still living with my parents at the time and I 'd not long passed my driving test — with Bernie 's assistance — so I borrowed my old man 's Austin Cambridge one Sunday morning and drove over to Nick 's .
3 and I mean I then I 'd only just had my operation an and to actually drive for longer than about twenty minute journeys was killing so
4 Each time you start to worry say to yourself ‘ What action can I take right now to alleviate my fears ? ’
5 Five or ten minutes by there , and getting introduced to all the old colliers that were in the same manhole , that we called it : I started down then to follow my father ; and I had to follow him like a little dog , all the way .
6 I do not therefore surrender my claim .
7 After all , I do not actually hate my Richard .
8 Today , I suppose I do n't exactly dislike my body , but neither do I like it much .
9 I do n't even send my cousins Christmas cards , let alone the
10 I do n't mind getting wet and that — I do n't even mind my head going under water .
11 ‘ It was n't anything I said , Mr Gooseneck , but I suppose I do n't always keep my face impassive when the snuff takes over , as it were . ’
12 I I eat I do n't usually take my first lot of tablets till sort of around dinner time .
13 I do n't deliberately put my face in the sun — but you ca n't help picking up a slight tan from reflected sunlight , particularly if , like me , you swim a lot .
14 I 've met her twice on formal occasions , but I am at work all day , so I do n't often see my neighbours .
15 I hope she ai n't going to ask me a question — you know , like where summat is , like the ladies or summat , cos to tell the truth I do n't really know my way round here .
16 Now that things have settled down , I 'm discovering that I do n't really know my husband at all .
17 And I do n't really know my Two Times Table .
18 Once again , I felt that if I did not somehow sublimate my pain , I should be irretrievably lost .
19 Although I did not entirely enjoy my time as a ‘ check knitter ’ , I learned one valuable lesson .
20 David said : ‘ I did n't really love my wife .
21 I did n't really get my jollies hoeing and taking up the irrigation mats , putting them back and taking them up again .
22 I happened to mention that I did n't much like my sister 's husband .
23 I later wrote a little piece for the magazine of the Old Boys of my former grammar school and I said , quite truthfully , that I had n't even told my family what was said between us .
24 I realized I had not properly understood my own needs .
25 I could n't believe my ears but she repeated it : I realized I had not properly understood my own needs .
26 My mother had lived my life until half a year ago when I had so briefly lived my own and in the process destroyed it .
27 And I 've pretty well beaten my disability .
28 I 've also still got my old Gibson Melody Maker ; I put humbuckers in it many years ago and it 's got a really warm , big sound .
29 I 've always still held my card .
30 I 've long since pledged my sword to any who would help rid this borough of the damned Daine .
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