Example sentences of "that [ex0] [be] [art] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Whilst mechanisms , sometimes of ‘ passing ’ , more often of ‘ coping ’ , are described , we are left with the impression that ‘ shameful difference ’ and its consequences are an immutable fact of social life , for physically impaired people : ‘ it is possible that there are no exemptions for incapacity in such areas as aesthetic norms ’ ( Haber and Smith , 1971 , p. 95 ) .
2 The majority will find that there is little knowledge of the needs of the physically disabled community , that there are no policies for meeting such needs and that housing and social services departments are failing to work together to help disabled people achieve the things which most non-disabled citizens take for granted .
3 says that BAS intends to maintain its current level of scientific activity and that there are no plans for redundancies among BAS staff .
4 It is a harsh reminder that there are no prizes for discovering a niche in the market .
5 I am not arguing that there are no uses for a conceptual demarcation of classes quite distinct from the demarcations present within popular ideology — on the contrary , I have used such a demarcation in previous chapters — but I am arguing that the latter demarcations have a real importance and should not be dismissed as merely ‘ subjective ’ .
6 ‘ It must proclaim , too , that responsibilities are as important as rights ; that there are no excuses for crime ; and that even those who have turned out to be bad can be helped to be good . ’
7 Editor , — Reviewing our book , Emily Grundy wrote : ‘ They … contend that there are no grounds for speaking of aging at the cellular level . ’
8 We are happy to accept that there are no grounds for the slightest suggestion of impropriety by Mr Hancock .
9 Prior to requesting the client to sign such a letter , the firm must be satisfied that the client can properly be regarded as a corporate finance client and place a note on file to this effect ( which is to say that there are no grounds for believing that it would be more appropriate to treat the client as a normal investment business client ) .
10 So while it would be difficult to argue that there were no benefits for Ghana , or for other Third World countries in similar projects , it is quite clear that the interests of the TNCs in obtaining cheap power in Ghana as part of their global industrial strategy run counter to the interests of Ghanaian development .
11 It will be the first time that the Unita leader has met a British minister , and only a few days ago the Angolan ambassador in London was assured by a Foreign Office official that there were no plans for such a meeting .
12 Prolonged correspondence with the Department of the Environment revealed that there were no plans for restoration .
13 The Irish Times meantime had suggested that British Telecommunications Plc and AT&T Co were bidding for a stake in Telecom Eireann ; a spokeswoman for Telecom Eireann said that the company had received an assurance from the Irish government that there were no plans for its privatisation .
14 Defence Ministers of the Visegrad Three countries ( Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland ) met at Zruby in Slovakia on Sept. 25 , when Imrich Andrejcak of Czechoslovakia was quoted as saying that there were no plans for the three countries to sign a military pact or form a military union .
15 In the event the union leaders were wholly justified , as the result of the ballot showed , in their claim that there were no reasons for doubting that the industrial action was in accordance with the wishes of the workers .
16 The fact that there were no projections for South West Water has fuelled speculation that this authority might be left out of the flotation process .
17 An Outer London authority noted that funds were specifically budgeted for training but that there were no budgets for individual departments , and that therefore they could not state a specific amount .
18 The Church throughout the world received orders and instructions which it obeyed willingly enough , though sometimes it regretted that there were no arrangements for dialogue and that it had not been invited to collaborate ; the result was that unity had to be lived out in passive acceptance rather than celebrated in fraternity ( Pensiamo al Concilio 9 ; see Hebblethwaite , 1984 , p. 409 ) .
19 Where leave was given , it was not uncommon to find on investigation that there were no grounds for granting any relief .
20 The then Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , Lord Young , decided that there were no grounds for referring the bid to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ; nor were there any grounds for referring the Suchard holding in Rowntree , which had , by that time , been increased to 29.9 per cent .
21 My constituent , Mrs. X , who is still suffering badly , had been treated in a less than fair way by those who conducted the criminal investigation and also by those who decided that there were no grounds for bringing the perpetrator in front of a court martial .
22 Investigations into the affairs of senior officials of the Luchaire company had been initiated on March 13 , 1986 , by the Defence Ministry , but on June 16 , 1989 , the examining magistrate , Michel Legrand , found that there were no grounds for prosecution .
23 Will my hon. Friend explain to the Minister that , in the trust in my area , newly trained nurses were told that there were no jobs for them ?
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