Example sentences of "that [vb base] [verb] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 sure but again I mean if there was a market for this I am sure that to take that and splinter it off into a unit it costs money to get people that want to come into this business
2 They could let loose the stormy passions that seemd to multiply in this forest hothouse .
3 And the things that lie hidden in this Castle ?
4 … or is it just another of those little habits ( much favoured by men ) that seem to flourish at this time of year .
5 The planets and moons that do remain within this range have to be just the right distance from the right size of star , and should also be spinning , otherwise the side facing the star becomes extremely hot , and the other side extremely cold .
6 know about a and therefore it 's only things that start to creep in this year .
7 Any vines that dare to lean against this tree risk being vigorously chewed .
8 Far more cheerful , I felt , would be a reminder of some of the lighter moments from the world of finance that have appeared in this column .
9 But it is perhaps primarily in his assertion that ‘ Il n'y a pas de hors texte ’ ( ‘ There is nothing outside the text/nothing except text ’ ) that he may seem most relevant to literary theory , for in this claim one hears echoes of the principles of a number of the major theories of literature that have emerged in this century .
10 The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh , though saddened , understand and sympathise with the difficulties that have led to this decision .
11 The large bulk of the data that have led to this conclusion originates from areas south of the polar circle .
12 I have followed the contents of the 2 previous issues that have touched upon this subject but without success .
13 I have known of some spectacularly successful relationships that have developed through this medium , particularly amongst the elderly .
14 Describes the great changes that have come over this locality in the course of a few years .
15 My stint in the TA was as a conscript , and those of us who did our national service in the TA made many friendships that have lasted to this day .
16 For example , Gage ( 1989 ) has discussed some of the medical applications that have resulted from this type of work , notably the production of interferon which is a potential anti-viral and anti-cancer agent that until recently was only available in very small quantities by extracting it directly from human cells .
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