Example sentences of "that [vb base] [adv] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His teasing request , ‘ Will you do this for me ? ’ , cues in a series of sexual variations ; games in earnest that grow increasingly out of hand .
2 Director Caroline Fitzgerald has coaxed fine performances from a generally strong cast — in particular from O'Meara and Graham Arnold as the colourful butterflies that fly so distractingly around Alec 's head .
3 And nowhere was that place just out of reach
4 Even on a short section you can see many of the different birds which colonise nearby Ramsey , Skikholm and Skomer islands , and perhaps some of the gannets that breed further out on Grassholm .
5 It leaves precious few clues for anyone in search of lines that trace directly back to Gedge 's own life .
6 Those that get on well with others always do a lot of smiling and find positive things to say .
7 It is true that structurally his numbers , with solos and ensembles intermingled , have a freedom and originality that point forward directly to Berlioz and Wagner .
8 It is true that structurally his numbers , with solos and ensembles intermingled , have a freedom and originality that point forward directly to Berlioz and Wagner .
9 Er so erm they 'll know that er the way the results went erm last time around , means that it 's the sides that do well away from home which may well go through .
10 Ariane Mnouchkine , a leading writer and theatre director , has called Euro Disney a ‘ cultural Chernobyl ’ , while in Le Figaro this week her colleague Jean Cau of the French Academy wrote of ‘ this horror of cardboard , plastic , atrocious colours , solidified chewing gum constructions and idiotic folk stories that come straight out of cartoon books for fat Americans .
11 Floodlights are not necessary , although if you have a large garden you may consider strategic lighting within the grounds , but the back and front door should have lights that come on automatically at dusk and stay on until dawn .
12 Such phenomena are not manifestations of alien technology ; rather , they are phenomena that occur naturally here on Earth .
13 So we involve ourselves in businesses that perform consistently well over time .
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