Example sentences of "that [det] who [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By defining poverty as starvation and destitution , he was able to claim that not many people in Britain are poor and that those who argue the case for improvements to welfare provision , ‘ the poverty lobby and the media ’ , are really intent on furthering their socialist aims through calling Western material capitalism a failure .
2 The administration demonstrated the same speed and foresight in recognising that those who control the monopoly of the means of destruction can translate into the monopoly of gain .
3 For all we know , they may have been our allies two years ago … the only important fact to have emerged from the inquiry is that those who know the truth will never willingly give evidence …
4 Marx was not the first to denounce the wretched condition of the working class in capitalist countries , nor was he the first to point out the apparent anomaly that those who produced the wealth , the workers , were the poorest while those who were apparently useless drones , the capitalists and their associates , were the richest .
5 still believe that SSE is important but I do n't believe that those who devised the scheme have got it right yet — feedback to the LEA , etc. will only be what senior staff within the school wish to discuss ;
6 The newly risen semi-literacy in England means that it is likely that those who read the book after seeing the film will not be able to find the works of Donne and other classic authors alluded to in the book in their local libraries .
7 However , the centrality of the state in the development of Tanzania suggests that those who staff the state apparatus do enjoy a measure of autonomy from class control .
8 The study has shown that those who quit the habit also avoided most of the risk of death from tobacco .
9 Great care should be exercised by the candidate in seeing that those who sign the nomination paper are electors for the electoral area .
10 Since this period was also accompanied by a decline of the labour force in agriculture , it can be concluded that those who left the industry were predominantly not those living in tied accommodation .
11 The conventional wisdom has been that those who left the countryside were the energetic and the intelligent , leaving only a residue of the old and the inert , but we also ought to note that the urban view has often been the exact opposite : that the towns have received the rural dregs — the drifters , the shiftless , the work-shy , the unattached flotsam of agricultural change .
12 What he 's saying to us here is that that there is a reason that Jesus had been condemned and that those who had the authority to do so had carried out their work .
13 This is not to say that those who signed the majority Report were disingenuous .
14 As we have said , in an age when men alone filled the professions , it appeared only natural that those who led the church were likewise male .
15 But what was easier than to assume that those who represented the stage of childhood or adolescence in the development of civilisation were themselves ‘ child-like ’ and had to be treated like children by their mature ‘ parents ’ ?
16 As he continues with the prayer that those who receive the sacrament may " be fulfilled with all hevenly benediction and grace through Jesus Christ " , so Rolle in The Form of Living now turns to a description of the interior awareness of this fulfilment .
17 Although the number of expatriates who voted is not known , it is generally accepted that those who take the trouble to register are likely to vote .
18 A distinguishing feature is that those who provide the service are often the ones who sell that service .
19 That can be ameliorated if the manager reduces uncertainty by turning to those sources of information — of every kind — which are essential for good organization and by ensuring that those who provide the information are reliable and responsive .
20 My instinct is to believe that those who defend the autonomy of their particular " level " are right to do so but I also think that our present state of knowledge is insufficient to permit us to understand satisfactorily how this level autonomy comes about .
21 They are practices which ensure that those who have the advantage of a network of friends and relations in secure employment will have a better chance of obtaining jobs than those who have a network of friends and relations who have suffered long-term unemployment .
22 And we pray for the refugees of our world , asking that those who have the power and ability to help may have the resources and will to provide food , clothing , shelter and a permanent home .
23 It would therefore be foolhardy to argue that those who entered the battle of Holy River under 1025 and Cnut 's visits to Rome and Scotland under 1031 were necessarily correct .
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