Example sentences of "that [pos pn] [noun] has be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't appreciate the fact that my grandmother has been taken advantage of . ’
2 Helium ( He ) has been detected by spacecraft though it has such a weak spectral signature that its abundance has been estimated by indirect means .
3 Assuming that its purpose has been determined , once the machine arrives there are several steps that can be taken to maintain its good condition and ensure a long life .
4 In that time we have found out how it is produced , how it is metabolized and , now that its receptor has been cloned , we are beginning to understand how it acts to release calcium .
5 Wind power advocates have expressed concern that its potential has been neglected in the initial list of renewable energy projects covered by the first Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation .
6 Skilful lobbying has meant that its place has been taken by wrestling on the curious promise that there will be both a men 's and women 's competition in 1994 even though women have never established a real presence in freestyle wrestling as they have in judo .
7 The chances are that her shock has been compounded by an unexpectedly extreme reaction .
8 She tells me that her son has been influenced by some flighty little English madam to renege on his own responsibilities in order to give her a conducted tour of Copenhagen . ’
9 ‘ The mother was extremely upset but very relieved that her son has been returned to her , ’ said police Superintendent Ray Starkey .
10 As she makes her way home , she learns that her husband has been shot by the Kuomintang .
11 Now firmly perched at the top of the Hollywood ‘ A-list ’ of actresses , it seems strange that her career has been made up entirely of films that really have n't been all that good .
12 Lisa Benner — police believe that her body has been washed up on a beach in Kent
13 When such incidents occur the guests feel that their trip has been ruined and blame the hotel , even when they may have contributed to the criminal opportunityby not securing their valuables in a safe deposit box .
14 It 's letting people know that their contribution has been appreciated , that their ideas are valued and that they can have their say , whether others agree with the content or not .
15 Parents are angry that their education has been disrupted .
16 And such conviction of normality , such certainty that their essence has been developed and fixed by love , and is now to be framed forever , gives them a touching arrogance .
17 Haemophiliacs will feel that their plight has been acknowledged ; the health ministry and pharmaceutical companies will admit accountability ; structural integrity will be preserved .
18 But I can see that their motorboat has been damaged . ’
19 All too soon , bands find that their wish has been fulfilled ! one of the few successful publicity ploys involved Elvis Costello being arrested for creating a disturbance outside the Hilton Hotel in London 's park Lane .
20 Now that their thinking has been completed we must , however , expect them to make very rapid progress and be prepared to closely track their developments .
21 It is important to differentiate between timbers which have been so badly eaten that their strength has been reduced , necessitating replacement , and those which , though damaged , still contain enough sound wood to continue their original jobs .
22 Often groups get publicity by claiming that their record has been banned .
23 It shows the customers that their account has been credited with the amount involved .
24 To make matters worse , he finds that his unit has been brought to Smolensk in order to organize the procurement and protection of wood at local timber yards and fuel dumps .
25 The Social Work ( Scotland ) Act of 1968 states that ‘ where a child has been notified that his case has been referred to a children 's hearing , he shall be under an obligation to attend that hearing in accordance with the notification , .
26 All he has been trying to do is to trying to ensure that there 's been even-handed play here on all the stadium sites and it 's disgraceful that his name has been dragged into this !
27 Green does not quote the example , which is a song about an angry father who suspects that his daughter has been ravished by the protagonist of the ballad .
28 Stanley is obviously worried that his wife has been cheated over the sale of Belle Reve .
29 At the end , Cain concludes that his banishment has been caused by his refusal to sink his identity into a higher form .
30 Since there are only two lines the reader takes special notice of their meaning and the author can leave his sonnet assured that his message has been received .
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